Dandelions Close-up

Dandelions Close-up
Dandelions In Black And White

Thursday, May 30, 2024

May 30, 2024

we seek truth of mind, a sturdy head
on your shoulders, a means of putting
others at peace, what is the exploration
of doubt, your inability to confront fear


our minds age and begin to see and hear
things out of context, our imagination
transforms our vision into a spy thriller
our awareness worn down with illusive


understanding, dreams changing becoming
a real awareness of others lies, truth now
a puppet show with all sorts of strings
attached keeping your head just above water


you begin to see deeper into the manipulation
of our mind, speed leads to an awkward
realization, what your physical presence is,
just an external representation of yourself


before and after the slow foundation of ones
purpose here on mother earth, we seek the
beautification of our inner intuitive force just
to understand that your choice of truth lifts


one above the mayhem of an early adults 
meandering mind, why would having my
engine on represent a courtly understanding
of ones homemade drunken oblivion there


is nothing unseemly about making sure all
your forces are ready and we need a sign
now allowing us to rush the insincere priest
punishing our sins but never his own, for


he our minister of rape, our willful request
that this monster of sexual appetite seeks all
that come willingly without remorse built 
around what if's, asking us to just let go you


young boys, that will soon evaporate through
the brutality of a man, not a priest, an animal
seeking desires for himself as these kids 
falter and are reduced to toys being exploited

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