Dandelions Close-up

Dandelions Close-up
Dandelions In Black And White

Saturday, May 18, 2024

May 18, 2024

visible arrangements praying to the
gods with our photos of jesus and his
apostles having joy sitting at the table


with christ, for one who needs a sacrifice, 
a crucifixion for our god is undermining
the power of greed and wealth even an


early arrangement for those that have their
own ways of deceit over the people as they
take and take and destroy all, anyone that


brings in a new bible praising their god as
our god for we pray to the vast arena of
writing words that create for you a means


of stagnant mouths, with eyes deeply hiding
behind the loss of truth for each have their
own means of acceptance of those with a


powerful voice demanding god come down-
ward so all gods people have our understanding
that we all need a sense of power and we need


to pray to our lord, jesus christ, bringing his
heart felt openness to all that believe in his
words and in his feeling of hopelessness


for jesus son of god will soon be taken and
nailed to a cross and more books will be
written buy a god allowing his son to die for him 

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