Dandelions Close-up

Dandelions Close-up
Dandelions In Black And White

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

March 27, 2018

"If you want to see it direct, do not think about it, you will miss it, it is all together missed, " Tao-Wu

To really see one must let go of preconceptions.  We can't afford words creating barriers to our seeing.  We must move beyond the created vocabulary of structured existence.

An existence that levels the majority to think right by words as symbols of control. That define for us our likes and dislikes.  We have to open ourselves, our minds to the external world not as it is but as we perceive it in our own inner, special way.

Conformity is relying on other thoughts to dictate to you what is good and what is bad.  We must take the controlling words of tyrants and deliver them on to the dump heap of structured greed.  What we visualize as a subject will become our subject.  We just have to be aware of its presence by opening our minds to the fluidity of perceptions.  Don't get lost in the main stream of careless motion but relax take your intuitive sight to calm the restless wandering eye and focus on an idea or composition that is unique to you and you alone.

How many times have you been out taking snap shots of anything and everything and then suddenly your focus becomes direct and your inner perspective alerts you that if you wait in the present moment something will come to you that makes the scene you were passing worth your wait.

We  must never outgrow our childhood perceptions. But we must outgrow are conditioned mind.  A mind that insists on instinctive  surface reactions and the mechanical need to perform in like manner with everybody else.  We have our conditioned manners, our perceptions are for ease of motion in a habitat we all share.  If we were not so trained then mayhem would ensue and the community we live in would be destroyed.

There is at the core intelligence the history of mind growth that relied for it's survival on repetitive acts that created protection from the elements.

It is a struggle to see the importance of reversing some of the conditioning in order to fulfill your own unique vision.

When I was a young boy and we would travel, I would stare out the window at the scenery and also study the motion of the roadside.  I was fascinated by the blur of colors close to the car and how the landscape stabilized when I looked further outward.  I was willing to accept the speed and blur and create in my mind images of the flowing perceptions.

In the moving tide of foreground and background I would see a rush of green and then a gap of brown and then green again.  These colors were an abstract tapestry of nature.  I would play with the motion of the car by looking ahead and seeing an interesting subject coming at us fast and I would isolate that image from the background and focus just on its characteristics. I would be unknowingly creating mind pictures of placement and composition by putting the subject in a new landscape a new surrounding.

In order to perceive your own reality, creating subjects that connect with your developing vision it is important to perceive your subject in time but not with your intelligence but rather with your intuition.  Strengthening your intuition will improve your childhood perspective and allow you to enhance your ability to focus without interruptions of the intelligence demanding you move on to something new. By connecting deeply with your subject you don't need to be tricked to find something else, this is the reason why you stopped and interacted with your subject and are  now digging deeper in to the connection.

After all wasn't it the burgeoning intelligence that allowed us to survive the early years of human development by not spending  to much time in one place or be eaten by predators that were armed with instinctual hunting techniques.

Think of the musical note and hold that note through your entire performance, your creating of an image, a note that focuses your attention your intuition to look and not roam around the subject but to be present with the subject.  Narrowing your energy of creation into a fluid perspective of a musical note. I am not saying you won't exhaust your connection and have a need to readjust your perspective as you study and connect with the subject on a more personal level and approach the subject from many viewing choices but all these  choices will narrow to an image that takes all the different perspectives into consideration and creates an inner landscape you envisioned was present.

Saturday, March 17, 2018

March 17, 2018

Reality is constantly distracting our mental focus necessary for our artistic purpose, without mental focus we become pawns in an external facade of someone else’s freedoms.

Our connection to our inner consciousness is the only means to repel the media's need to manipulate the outer illusions with power and control, an intimidation of intelligence trapped in an ego of external knowledge created by human beings need to understand the world as we perceive it, allowing mathematical formula's to divert our perceptions away from intuitive knowledge and remain in the closed structure of material domination. 

All is well is a dead to rights sign, that nothing is right and we are in trouble of losing our freedoms. The stronger your mental strength the more you will be able to reflect on the situation at hand and begin to move in a sure pace toward the goal of mental liberation from the old stasis of confusing hypocrisy.  

Which is exactly the plan of the material giants that dictate to us the newest fads to distract us from our true insightful perceptions and artistic talents.

To be aware of nature not as object but as an opening to your deeper consciousness, revealing your unique perspective through a camera lens begins the bridging of separateness toward a unification of exterior/interior intuitions revealing your true creativity.

The uniqueness of our insights is only the beginning understanding of our presence in an unique environment of spacial time.  We insist on the non-movement of objects in relation to the perceived movement of objects and then we count the stationary forms with our formula's of illusions. These are necessary functions we must do in order to maintain a functioning appearance of an external reality, including eating sleeping and bodily functions. The results of this ancient necessity controls the minds functions. This hinders the inner reality's purpose of expression. The need for order affects us with these necessities we must perform to survive, controlling our thinking process and dulls our minds deeper purpose.  

The acceptance of an inner consciousness beyond the surface ego attached to the physical nature of external reality will illuminate the changes that must take place before we are free from the fear of the abyss, the nothingness supposedly beyond our vision.  This fear of nothingness is exactly what keeps us meek and docile.  

The intelligence wanting understanding, demanding an interior focus of it's needs first seeks mathematical formula's that explain in simple equations the working of the external reality.  This assures us that what is real is not the subterranean thoughts and intuitions we ignore but the cold facts of one plus one equals two. This obsession with equative knowledge limits our ability to move beyond an illusion of the structures of normality into a new vision of your own making. We limit our internal vision to be created when we retreat from the loneliness of self and our growing awareness through created visions of your internal depth being released. 

Photography is really about creating something more important than your inner revelations. It is to externalize those revelations by having the knowledge of self that demands your attention.

Could it be that through the creation of insightful imagery we finally can express our true identities? 
The exploration of an internal world through compositional insights that reflects your true inner expressions of intuition. 

All this is played out in an external world willing to bend to your visions of selfhood but not allowed because of the heavy handed grip of rational structures of material gain.

Abandon the frivolous material that demands you be someone else not your true individuality.  Why do you think you are being driven into a corral of non thinking, just do what the words dictate you to do.  

Work hard and die without the realization that the breaths you will take to become old could have been used to create through your internal landscape a physical impression of your beautiful individual insight.

Don't let your life be blinded to the dramas that distract you from your willful purpose. Don't abandoned those insightful perceptions, your unique perspective and be taken in by the limiting confusion of jealous greed. 

We fear the constant change of life’s infinite progress.  Some might disagree with the word progress and substitute the term devolution,

our loss of freedom of thought and action.  We have lost our ability to define our outer self from our inner core, our individual self and define our purpose through creative actions, a creative reflection of our inner universe.

We are moving quickly back to our animalistic nature and our behavior is getting more aggressive and less open as we are herded into different corrals depending on how insightful we are in analyzing the true nature of this constant made up reality of thievery. 

Friday, March 16, 2018

March 16, 2018

The camera is a tool and once an image is taken it sticks to your outer senses as truth. Seeing your self objectified alleviates your inner struggles and you instill in future snap shots your external facade and your true self is now hidden under stacks of memory cards and a once upon a time is now forever lost in egos insatiable hunger.  Ego instills in the doubtful mind a need for distractions and insists that you continually follow the fads of surface reflections as truth, a facade where by you can hide under the cloth of glamour.

Glamour versus meaningful creative imagery.  When you create an image it has an internal power of forceful purpose. You went inside your self to undercover your vision. 

When you create purposeful imagery you use your inner intuition that releases you from your  external constraints, connecting your vision outward with the subject that is becoming a real physical presence.

When we live on the surface of our sight, we lose touch with our inner core, we are weakened aesthetically. We must dig deeper into the black void of self and coax up from the eternal depths your new voice of strength.  

Your inner self has been hidden from you through the indoctrination into societies demands, the need to control the vision of our futures.  We need a discipline of inner strength to coax out our unique voice and not allow a world controlled by the few to harness our gifts of intense new visions.

Herd instincts drive us to react hostile toward new possibilities of expressing our own inner truths, society forces us to accept the created stereotypical doctrines of organized institutions that define our existence in burdensome holes of deceit which will slowly seal up our inner truth from expressing itself in an art form that is yours and yours only. 

Your inner perspective is the ticket to opening the formal palace of constricting past formula's of visual art. Your new insightful awareness will create new visions that can break through the structured memories of the corralled populace.

Nurture your creative truth. Don't hide in a complacent mind accepting someone else's strength of will that dictates to you what is good art and what is bad art. 

The golden rule today is to pursue your own deadly sins, why wait and become an object of derision, get what you want now in material value at someones else’s expense.  Hi-five your friends with your criminality. 

Social Media twists your intuitive thoughts and turns them into fluff and gibberish.  We seem to be in a century of angry selfishness, underlined with hyper sensitivity toward anyone with a possible answer to the mayhem of selfish private gains.  The self righteous will stand tall in the public eye to mouth their concerns about the on going incidents of useless violence, but the only action taken is to pass the hat around selling hair oils for the insecure.

This feeling of aloneness begins to permeate the entire psyche of the human race. This leads us to stand by dumbfounded and watch the suffering of the innocence for profit.

Images will have no purpose, no voice without a deep connection to the subject present.  An intuitive expression that forces our intelligence to see beyond this clutter of meaningless distractions into the true reality of your own existence which intern exposes us to a new formulation of our possibilities unencumbered by deliberate attacks on our individuality.

Where did our common sense go? It went in the direction of being seen as more important than being aware and focused in our life, not for the masses of common sheep, but for our own perceptive universe we share with our individuality.

When did egotistical behavior become the only expression of self?  When did the appalling lack of control of our external world give us a thrill of acceptance?  These violent acts are only the human animal finally showing its greedy eyes.

If we seek to hinder our ability to see with our own eyes the unfolding of our beautiful reality hidden behind the facade of sales reports then we have posited ourselves in the controlling illusion of life that only seeks material gain with thoughts of dullish aggression.

We become overwhelmed by the infinity of visual stimulus.  We barely have time to reflect before we experience another image that affects us in our emotional surface.  We never dig deeper into the viewing session but only react instantaneously to the picture and then move onto another passing moment.  These are not our moments. They are simulations of a distracted life but only that. They are not real life and certainly not your own.
It seems our new god is formatted from the constant bombardment of ads which instill in us an addictive want that disrupts our surface life, that keeps us from going beyond our simplified intelligence of order at all costs into a larger understanding of our place in the multiplicity of voices dying to be heard.  But we don't listen because our daily life is one of focused despair.  Our mantra is just make it through one more day that is it ,just one more and one more....
The corporate news treats us like kids ready for a tantrum. They don't give solutions but only repeat the script they have used for centuries.

The viewer listens to these hollow words with their twisted logic and incomprehensible analysis of the repetitive acts of violence. And we sit numb to the flow of time, wasting our deeper consciousness that could if focused upon bring forth our connective souls vision of inner truth and releasing upon the world a missed character we ran from when we were young and mindful of time/space illusions.

However, right now we are trapped in a causality loop and in order to break free from the circular logic of corporate media we have to begin to seek answers for ourselves.  Listen to your own internal barometer and dig deep in yourself for the lies of banal words repetitive vice. Social Media doesn't want the violence to stop for fear that their pay checks will be diminished

To see is to become.  Trends are created not by individuality but by constant shallow visual stimulation.  Our sight is the temptress undermining our ability to seek our truth and not some ad of created desires never wanted or needed.

In order to create a visible  connection between you and your subject you must spend the time not in a helter skelter blitz of snap shots but a deeper connection of trust that allows the subject to open up its true character. Giving you a new harmony of connection that frees you from the burden of copycat snap shots of a life less lived.

Sunday, March 11, 2018

March 11, 2018

Aesthetic purity is in the mind of the beholder, there is no pure absolute universal visual intensity all can agree on.  Our thoughts claim an intelligence conditioned to see the words exposed in objects of material vastness. Beauty is your perceptions veiled in conditioned responses to a language taught you from birth.  We must free ourselves from our limited awareness, our narrow paths of deception that define our personalities and artistic sight.

We see what we want to see is a facade of shallow thoughts.  We see what we have to see if we can liberate our sight from rules of aesthetic cliche's.

Pure vision is like the Virgin Birth, we as humans can't fathom the observed perfect unity blending the spirit and the physical self.  Aesthetic is a personal vision, art is as good as its creator and his connection with the envisioned project or found objects of intuition need to be developed and created through humility and listening to his inner voice.  Just as a painter feels his subject through his inner eye image creators do the same. We must in order to understand our inner landscape begin the journey of discovering its physical presence. 

We are connected with the forces of nature, meaning not only the natural beauty in nature but the violent raging weather, animals and so called man that populate our fearful perceptions.  Through history we have the gift of an adaptive character within us.  This has allowed us to formulate the reality we share by mutual trust of control.  If we can't control our external forces surrounding us then we are no better than the animals we consume.  

We must apprehend intuitively our inner vision of the subject of interest through our own intrinsic need for revelations. 

Can an image have a deeper purpose than a shallow surface reflection of your human obsessive need for distraction without reflections.  The answer is universally yes, and that is what we are seeing today, surface glitter of a humanity lost in its direction and stumbling along with distractions that don't invite intuitive visions of a better world but instead delay the minds recognition of a deeper spiritual life undermined by glamour and deceit.

When you are intimately involved with the creation of your chosen subject through concentrated focused, determination to go beyond surface details but instead try and show a new version of the old rhetorical repetition and create a willful purpose of feelings buried deep in our consciousness that is waiting to be revealed, then your image creation is fluid with your becoming.  

Letting go of your daily needless distractions and having a pure focused intent on the subject allows you to feel your depth of intuitive connectivity with your subject.

True visual intensity is seeing not through formal structures that hinder originality but through personal intense intuition that connects with your subject on a new plane of experience.  An inner reflection of your inner visual originality.