Dandelions Close-up

Dandelions Close-up
Dandelions In Black And White

Thursday, May 16, 2024

March 15, 2024

what is death but a taking away
on ones only time here on a tiny
speck of dirt without a choice to
abandoned the true motivation of
self, a realization, a beginning
opening a wider vision of ones 
place reserved for your inner
speculation of the exterior reality
mixing up human nature as a 
pointed acceptance of ones
fruitful understanding, there we
are in the alone, this changing
reality, changing daily as one
seeks to escape, the large snake
intertwined around your body
squeezing your last breath into
silence as our god portrayed in
our history books settles in to 
vocalize his anger at satan our
eternal devil for killing another
independent mind as we attempt
to move forward as the evil 
summons it's minors to murder
and destroy human consciousness 
that leads them in herded awareness 
that what we are seeing is not real, 
figment of your imagination as the
night drops like a lead anchor to
begin blending with evil, with god's 
power as we move forward without
a means of escaping this coming hell

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