Dandelions Close-up

Dandelions Close-up
Dandelions In Black And White

Friday, May 3, 2024

May 4, 2024 

we demand a paradise, show its
gifted necessity, our prayers
are proof we believe in a god
and his only son and the holy
ghost and because of our faith
we demand an eternity with
our lord, for we are the chosen 
few in these times of heathens
and manipulation of our lord
jesus christ, see me in church, 
oh god I know you see me faithful
to you and no one else, when I see
heathens of another religion I 
pray for the eternal after life in 
a hell like it is in this god forsaken
planet where wars and poverty
and earths atmosphere dissolves
in a pandora of chemicals that
will heat the atmosphere so the
clans will rise and your glorious
decent will be upon us and only
the cream of the faithful crop will
be picked to be by your side for 
we loved you since our sinful birth
knowing our physical presence was
a sin and we prayed to you every
day and even though no word was
given to us even though we were
a little upset, just a minor disagree-
ment of why you couldn't give us
a little crown on our heads as your
faithful servants but as we age we
know sooner we will be buried and
rise hopefully you won't take as
long as you did after your son was
sacrificed in your place and our
rotation, bodies will rise and become
once again our angry selves praying
that all other religion will perish 
in the hell of this mother dirty earth
so god reveal yourself to us, your
perfect sheep as we hear your call
to church, reveal yourself to us in
immaculate light, let us feel your
presence in physical form, so before
we rise into an ethereal spirit world
we can claim, yes you were real and
yes we saw your loving presence as
you lifted your hands in prayer and
we became souls moving in the
direction of our lord's paradise with
billions of confessions as the dead 
move forward overwhelming this 
paradise of sinners and just maybe
I could make a proposition against
these dirty minds, maybe oh lord
we can build a wall oh god to keep
the hoards of sinners coming to you
for forgiveness away from the ones
that loved you the most and deserve 
more love from a god invisible to us

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