Dandelions Close-up

Dandelions Close-up
Dandelions In Black And White

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

May 14, 2024

The Crooks Reap Our Money

the politicians seek their stature with
money raised, the truth of their campaign
is to get the people thinking they will fight
for the little man and fix the income gap
by guaranteeing all a huge minimum wage,
they want their campaign to feel and look
open and honest, their propaganda is 
stated firm that the people are the ones
that drive their campaign and it looks good
to say I have the people's support and I
will do my all by supporting the people in
my district if at all possible but I am sure
all my constituent's know to run a great
campaign you must promise the moon
and then look for a more earthy supporters, 
the ones that will buy my vote for anything,
that gives them more power and wealth for
how else can I greet a person caring for a win,
an election without pockets filled with someone
else's cash and my happy facade turned toward
the populace with a shit eating grin for my
hypocrisy is nothing more than good politics
taking advantage of my district to believe
I have their best interests but really could
give a damn what they hope for because I
will give them little victories but the war of
power and manipulation's has conquered our
idiotic two party system where the soap
opera starts after each election cycle and
us actors accuse the other side of cuddling
up to the corporations, banks and wall street
while the other party is confused by bribery
and cows down to the lobbyists but the 
funny thing is there is just one party that is
not for the dulled minds with expectations
of what their responsibility must accomplish
for nothing, the inner cities, the roads, our
taxes, our social security, medicare all these
things will eventually be left to rot on the floor
of the congress and the only bills to be voted 
on with thumbs up or a middle finger standing
up for the only actions taken are ordered by
the puppet masters pulling the strings of the
brown noses trying to get invited to the riches
parties so they can feel important even though
they too are blinded by greed and the shallow
belief that they are also powerful until orders
are given, tax dollars counted and pavlova's
dogs sitting up for their treats and doing tricks for 
the powerful criminals to entertain their ring masters

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