Dandelions Close-up

Dandelions Close-up
Dandelions In Black And White

Sunday, May 26, 2024

 June 3, 2024

Your Limitation Of Fighting Trust

we are covered with our parents personalities,
their loves, their hates in the external world,
our outside exterior trying to blend in with
friends as our procession of lives moving
toward an external death as we get older our 
lives speed up and before we are polluted with
lies, with doubts we see a means of escaping
our already determined destination, we get
back what we gave to others in the turmoil of
poverty both mental and physical, a simple
gift without fanfare brings forth your truth of
purpose and expression of ones inner being
finally seeking your unique perspective, your
inner voice free to accept the monstrosity of
wealth that leads no where but death, close
your eyes see and feel the darkness that is,
that surrounds you without cheers, just there 
like our flesh is still there and us all age and
deuteriation we find ourselves able to express
the corruption of ourselves as we look for loop
holes, easy marks, bought ideas, off shore 
accounts to hide our stolen wealth by paying
a portion of our loot to the bankers that are
above the law, we seek the principle of good
deeds as we grow older, good deeds, just 
become actions without satisfaction for as 
you spend your time reaching out to help and
change another's life you fall into the human
charade that is present for the taking and
with no fluff but purposeful, will you rob and
take from others what is rightfully theirs
but no longer, your will is strong to reap the 
benefits of your newly begotten criminal mind,
can I get a long and glorious hallelujah

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