Dandelions Close-up

Dandelions Close-up
Dandelions In Black And White

Thursday, July 26, 2018

July 26, 2018

Words can be inspiring, illusive, annoying, controlling, demeaning, happy, sad, but words mainly are deceptive. They are the pathway to symbols that can control and distort your perceptions of your reality. When someone tries to define for us a way of seeing it can lead to a narrowing of our gifted perceptions. And it can limit your vision forcing you to see through categories of your intellect. The intellect is your safety valve always pointing you in the direction of what is the standard reaction to external stimulus. Another words the intellect can be boring and repetitious.

Words want to control the conversation between you and your subject. To sell you a rhetorical confused goal of copycat motives, for it is better to be just like everyone else than to stand out from the crowd. Domineering words can confuse your purpose and not allow you to experiment with different cloaks of personality and artistic talent until you find your own individual fit.

We all must find our own vision to our unique inner and outer landscape.

Time is anxious and wants to be somewhere at every moment. You become a pawn of schedules and forget your most important goal you learn as a kid. You must invent yourself and see the world with new eyes and not the eyes of a person that did everything they were supposed to do and forgot to live their own life. 

The worship of time limits your ability to open inward to your internal abilities and then seek outward image creation that is unique to you alone, not a copycat motif that the multitude deems appropriate.

A motif that is built upon your individuality and your unique perspective that gives a viewer of your visual art an anticipation of revelation, of a new way of seeing the staleness of the existing external reality.

When you feel the force of aesthetic freedom you are liberated from the small minds of conformity always pecking at your weaknesses. You are released from the burden of a structured, repetitive and burdening existence.

In order to begin immersing yourself in your talents you must slow down the hyper drive of flashing moments you encounter each and every day that stifles your inner being and bends your consciousness toward acts of nauseous familiarity. You must focus your inner talents on your mural of insight and bring forth the visual elements of your intuitive creation.

Time must recede into the flow of calm waters if you are to explore your subject and connect with your external vision in a unified moment of seeing, a duration of time that can lead to revelation.

Understanding visual elements are only a starting point, your intuitive consciousness can and does see deeper into your presented subject. You need to open up your intuitive gifts and look for an inner connection to your visual preparation as you seek the truth in the elements of gifted purpose.

Sunday, July 15, 2018

July 13, 2108

In this age of extreme anxiety there is little progress in our human nature to regain the intuitive insights of seeing beyond labels that dictate our behavior and response. The structure of reality as it exists today is one of control. The control of our intellect to absorb the given information without looking deeper into the structured reality that imprisons our unique natures and our unique visions. 

We live in angry despair because we are not free individuals who can explore our own inner yearnings for originality but are force fed from the time we are born to the time we die, to follow the herd and not step out of the coordinated path that this structured reality has put in front of us. We are like worker ants distracted by the powerful need to be part of something other than ourselves.

Our communication skills are losing even more cohesion. Our thought processes are dimming being replaced by voices telling us what we want to hear and not our own voice digging under the metal restraints we live in, imprisoned with an ego that is bred to react instead of act. Our intellect observes this reality and it reacts with repetitive foresight on how we should respond to the external stimulus which is impeding our learned nature and thus we must act in accordance with the standard reply in circumstances like this.  If not then we are opening up ourselves for actions not deemed useful in keeping with the status qou. And that is the problem. That is in essence the herd mentality doing the same thing over and over again and not breaking free from the restraints we are shackled with throughout our lives.

What if we stopped today and tried new approaches to the everyday stimulus we encounter.  What if we looked deeper into the structured reality with our intuitive nature and created a new visual art form. Instead of living a reaction to stimulus we encounter the subject with a new perspective a new reaction to the details we failed to see because our mental vision was being narrowed by past experiences and our intellect believed that is how we wanted to react to the subject even though we have aged and seek more than the trite response to old artifacts.

Originality is the new navigational tool in our arsenal of deeper meanings.

Why see as other see? There vision is limited to the words taken as truth that corrupt our freedom to be ourselves. 

Our photographic eye takes a back seat to the mad haphazard rush of life we lead.  Each moment it seems we have something else we are dealing with and we don't spend the time seeing beyond the cliche, digging deeper into our intuitive consciousness to explore and create our unique vision. This is not a lack of character on your part. This is a deliberate forcing of our consciousness to look upon the world only at the surface level. The majority of humanity is so busy just trying to make a living they haven't the time to explore their unique perceptions of their own reality. Instead they are forced to live in a created reality of turmoil.

Life is lived when you grasp your own unique talent and use that innate talent to express your inner aesthetic.  What do you find worth creating?  It doesn't have to be image creation. Take a thought you have had in the back of your intuitive consciousness and explore this in depth not as an unruly rebellious concept but as your own unique vision of artistic expression.

Our intellect adapts to the life stimulus you are surrounded by and then becomes highly selective with choices it gives you in your mad hatter work days. In order to feel and be present with your subject you can't be distracted by the turmoil that surrounds your daily life. You need to step back and have time to explore your own personal visions, your own vision of visual art, your own sense of beauty.  

Don't take the easy way out of creating your artistic vision. Taking shortcuts doesn't allow you time to become your true artistic revelations.  

Sunday, July 1, 2018

June 30, 2018

There are images that you take that must be taken.  Not the quick cliche snap shots that we all succumb to and have to take because we feel that nothing is real unless on film. This mentality of the run and gun approach to taking images separates us from mother nature and even though it makes us feel we are interacting with something outside ourselves in actuality we are using the camera as a barrier not to explore nature's subjects. 

The demands of our controlled structured reality dictates to us our daily routines. We fear going beyond the surface of our daily lives and explore the gifts of the natural world where we will be able to build a relationship with and a growing understanding. 

Humans are the one creature that wants to control the whole planet for their own simplified understanding of profit over compassion. The intellect of humanity has been conditioned to own and not share. 

We are creatures of habit and we solidify memories as real stepping stones to future actions.  Even though these memories are only markers we needed to open up our future path, our own journey to self realization.

We must open up and participate in the event not as an observer but as a intuitive mind trying to access the deeper battle present in this external subject which is denying us access to his composition. 

We must connect with our subject in real time not under the cloud of verbiage that destroys your true relationship with the external world.

Image creation is not real, it is a feeling, a connection an intuition in your mind with an external subject that isn't real. It isn't real because you haven't created it yet. All you have is your exploring 

You see the signs all around, take the picture here and be satisfied with the easy snap shot.  But that is not what drew you to this place.  Something called you to take this path here and now and as you stand and take in the magnificence of your surroundings into yourself you begin to explore intuitively the vision present in you.

Can you bring forth that vision and connect to your outer nature that is present?

Not an ego looking for gratification in the ordinary routine of stale compositions but a sense that something is present in the landscape before you but it hasn't yet been composed. 

Knowing can be a limiting force, so you let go of the tyranny of words and intellect and just be present in stillness of your growing awareness.

Your mind needs to settle in and realize that the creative perception is not ready to be made yet. Time is nothing in these states of the inner power of spiritual force. Your attraction to the subject is only the first step in realizing your intimacy deepening as you let go of the need to accomplish everything in seconds, when you might need hours to feel the true creative force expanding your experience of insightfulness.

There is nothing in front of you but details that need composing. Light that needs to be studied and your inner clock must stop its demand to move on and you must relax and take part in the beauty of the details that will begin to form a subject that wasn't present but is now because you were able to releases your inner tension, your inner demands and wait for your vision to begin making the scene.

We always want instant gratification in capturing fleeting moments of times endless pursuit of confusing mental demands. 

Stop and listen to the intuitive part of your brain, not the intellectual brain that is not satisfied with random acts but needs organized study and demands that all t's be crossed and i's be dotted.

Don't allow forgetful details that were working themselves up to the surface of your inner landscape evaporate suddenly because you were once again distracted by the structure of the controlling reality you were trying to break free from, to find some deeper connection with the subject at hand.

You can try and ignore your deeper intuitions of color combinations and accumulation of compositions never tried but if you are purposeful and strong in your ability to see new ways of seeing this world you will be able to work through the layers of stale dominating copycat structured ideas that have not come close to seeing the subject in its full array of beauty.

Never settle for the quick memory postcard because you didn't take the time to explore and deepen their photographic eye.  

The image needs a sensitive mind not a roaming eye, a photographer that feels the connection and wants a permanent relationship with the scene. Natures will always open up to someone actually trying to dig deeper, get to the roots of the scene and not relying on someones previous image seen in a magazine destroy the uniqueness of your vision and your connection with nature's beauty.  

Names of Our Fallen Heroes 
Vietnam Memorial