Dandelions Close-up

Dandelions Close-up
Dandelions In Black And White

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

May 29, 2024

Silence Can Be A Blessing

restless, over thinking ones goals, 
ones place in the scheme of money
a simple rule that sabotages ones
efforts for honest income, for the

rulers of this dying planet own the
people, they understand the precarious
rules of embezzling hard earned 
profits made by the working ants

that realize over the past half century
income of the middle class resides
like a morning tide, the poor and 
homeless feel the pressure of an

absent god allowing them to work
for peanuts, on the dollar where
the owners take all they can for 
the workers are not worthy in sharing

in the greed fest of someone else's
criminality and the upper middle class
prance around their secluded neighborhood,
a gated community with police patrolling

the community protecting the second tier
of wealth for these are jealous animals
and each try to outdo their neighbor with
the newest and greatest ego of self

serving greed, and then we have the truly
rich that see themselves above the masses
of working anger, working each morning
to closing time and being stiffed with

low wage while the rich fly into outer 
space as the poor starve, wars always a
good business investment for the crooks,
killing of innocent children, mothers and

fathers, these military mad sociopaths find 
no glitch in the wonderful killing machine,
isn't that something, we have polluted 
oceans, rivers, skies, poor air quality,
fires out of control, hurricanes, floods,
polluted cities, homes as the rich leave
for their summer mansions for parties,
inside trading where they toast to greed

and all shake hands for all need more
and more money, wall street will be 
stunned with the retreating investments
for the word got out quickly amongst

the insider traders to sell stock and bonds
and wait until a new con begins to flourish
and all the criminal minds are alerted to
the potential of more, more, more money
power and monopolies that steal for the rich

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