Dandelions Close-up

Dandelions Close-up
Dandelions In Black And White

Wednesday, December 28, 2022


December 31, 2022 

Photography at one time was freedom to be yourself and create imagery you felt representative of your inner interpretation of your individuality.

Now photography is done by cameras that are smarter than the photographers. You don’t have to think, the cameras think for you.

Photography now is all about luck for the shooters are not ready to immerse themselves into a scene, studying your possibilities instead they take snap shots wasting their memory cards with images redundant circulation, if a subject is photographed by millions of people, your big question becomes, why present your hard earned work to a photo agency that could care less how you created the image, just give it to us and we will pay you pennies on the dollar. 

Why would good, experienced photographers accept these criminal minds that are stealing your income and your classic images. Anyone in their right mind would take their images away from these addicts and sell the images themselves.

New comers to the big agencies scam are pretty naïve. You will have a harder time getting your images into a big photo agency because they have millions of images that all look alike. And if you get accepted you will receive peanuts on the dollar for these mega crooks have one goal, money and nothing else. Your images will be bound with others for volume selling is the photo agencies demanding future as they make millions while you get dirt.

In order to get any payment with some kind of dollars sent to you account you will need to move away from those photographers that just click and move on, these are the run and gun photographers that use photography as a toy, fun and every once in awhile create a great image. These images don’t overwhelm the viewers senses for now everyone is a shooter, a photographer that hasn’t any clue how much and how long it will take to immerse themselves into exciting, original images that can overwhelm the senses.

Everyone is a photographer, a shooter, a copycat that sees other photographers shooting a subject with hundreds of other shooters, the same subject which becomes a redundant inability to look deeper into the scene as you move around seeking a composition that will give you the best angle of the landscape in front of you, that will overwhelm viewers of your original, unique image creations.


Thursday, December 22, 2022


December 22, 2022

who is our true father, a man marries a woman and finds out that his son is god's gift to mary and himself, the son of god learns his real father's religious manipulations so as he matures and sees the hypocrisy of an immaculate birth, pretends he is a good

christian soul that loves his holiness, a man that gave of himself to be closer to his father's holy words now on a page of not one book but two and more but the wealthy decided for themselves that mankind would take what they believed the

heart warming control this son of god would have over the people and chucked the rest of the apostles and visionaries demanding in return that anyone entering a church, any place of worshiping his only son must give the religious zealots money in

order to take jesus's body and drink his blood, it does sound ghoulish we have a hope of salvation rooted into our brains since birth that yes there is a mysterious voice in our ears, our shallow brains listening to voices praying, crying asking

for forgiveness from their narrow hope that our words will be heard while we evolve into selfish meat eating animals, killing mercilessly anyone that interferes with our ultimate duty, gaining wealth over praising a figment of our imagination, and

honoring always the new generation of criminal minds as they rise each century, as the population of the world with the holy ghost, god's lovable son bringing joy to the preachers looking forward to stocking there pockets with millions as they party and laugh at

the people giving out their hard earned cash but not taking their own share of the loot, and we can't forget the big man on campus our holy father or should I say all three in this god forsaken trilogy afraid of being seen on the streets, drinking in bars for

there would be too much speculation of why would our holy dad, his only holy son and his holy ghost and I am talking of a real created father built around visions of our safety for our lives are built toward our earnings given to the priestly corruption of our lives as they

assault innocent children demanding they kneel before them just like the wealthy kings and queens demanded of their slaves, because what this trio is, is not real but characters in a book, an almost god man with a big ego but it does keep the world populations

secure in their make believe world as they work themselves to death for pennies on the dollar while the true gods of thievery make billions off the exploitation of innocent men, women and children, can I get anymore disgusted by the pain the oligarchs

inflict on human beings for this doesn't mean anything to the wealthy that strip 99% of the population of their future with words used, like heaven is waiting as these criminals put themselves into a facade of human caring as if they will move

above their repetitive words that are meaningless for our salvation as children die in climate change and loss of food and bad weather intensified destroying lives as the great migration begins and human trafficking  explodes with more evil ferocity



Saturday, December 17, 2022

December 17, 2022

retreating from the constant acceptance of ones only escape

each moment of your life has your answers if you understand


the gift of inner perceptions for in this reality and outer reality

we are conditioned to dictate our exterior lives


to those that own our very existence overwhelming lives

with minds struggling to survive in a climate going insane


brought on by the addiction to money vs human life as we

retreat into a shell of protection by becoming yes men/women


willing to do their dirty deeds and are paid very well

as they journey with the rich and suck up to them


but our lives are in the hands of the overwhelming

evil that exists and destroys human lives as a necessary


consequence for these money makers seek power

over billions of people suffering from their lack


of intuition for they have fears of retribution, a

loss of ones simplicity of self-worth as we



step forward in a maze of evil influence for

when they feel insistent of their demands


their adaptability has nothing to do with their

lazy ego for our politician will do anything


to please these new gods of influence through

the pretext that they are stabilizing the workplace


and gas for cars, and giving warnings that wars

created by the military industrial complex is


absolutely needed and if our children die on the

battle field of hopelessness there is not a rational


means of escape from these criminal minds owners of

our earthly paradise as it rots away from their greed


Monday, December 12, 2022

 December 12, 2022

external reality is non-existence, a behavioral instinct is all that guides us to seek physical pleasure, whether animal or human we seek to kill others for we are predators, we walk through these systematic patterns guiding us to oblivion as wealth feasts on our hopes and murder is just a sequence of thoughts bullied by the power of evil, violence buffers our ability to believe that we are present in our own world or are we in someone else's vision of aggressive actions toward innocence and profits

what we see is an illusion, a false pretense to become powerful by exploiting the people for their hard earned wages

world wide we feel the illusive, blessed beings with hope in their eyes, an intuitive force to become free, a person to praise and be thankful for ones independence

we must fight the addiction of selfish needs by not using others as a means of escape that force us to see the platform the oligarchs use us as their play toys to exploit for profit for our wages are a formula of greed and barley keep us afloat while these men of lecherous praise for their lord, for the elite's knowledge of what they created through the centuries was to take from the peasants and never give to humans any hope of freedom


Sunday, December 4, 2022

December 4, 2022

the crowd called for more violence, more blood, their masks formed a series of physical ejaculation seeing someone die in a

street fight giving one a feeling of madness without morals or ethics just a sinister need to hurt brutally another human being,

just as the 1% and their ownership of military weapons sold to other countries and have been taken over by murderous men

that demand death of those that get in their way of stealing the hard earned money of farmers, working men, women and

children used as migrant workers without a means to move forward just their abandonment of living a healthy life for the

people are nobody's without purpose without enough income to live above the sinking ship for they never seem to earn enough to

survive the bitter feeling of death approaching without a means of escaping the vicious destruction of our inner worlds


Monday, November 28, 2022

December 4, 2022 

we seek internally our thoughts that can change the surroundings of your life to joy, love, anger or hate, our external reality is non-existence, it has been created by illusive gods of vice and greed

our behavioral instinct is all that guides us to seek physical pleasure, whether animal or human we seek to kill others for we are predators that enjoy the suffering of innocence

we walk through these systematic patterns guiding us to oblivion as wealth feasts on our hopes and murder is just a sequence of thoughts bullied by the power of devilish

sociopaths, violence buffers our ability to believe that we are present in our own reality or are we in someone else's vision of aggressive actions toward innocence of caring

what we see is an illusion, a false pretense to become almighty power by exploiting the people for their hard earned wages world wide, we feel the illusive need to seek a blessing that can give us

hope not in a spiritual illusion but with hope in their eyes, an intuitive force to become a force to praise and be thankful for we must fight the addiction to take instead of give for booze and

drugs are a means of escape that force us to see the platform of deceit as the wealthy use us as their play toys to exploit for profit, for our wages are a formula of greed and barley keep us afloat 

while the rich praise the lord of nonexistence for the elite's knowledge of what they invented through the centuries was always deemed necessary to take from the peasants and never give to these human beings any hope of freedom or happiness

Monday, November 21, 2022


November 21, 2022

your steps echo in your darkening sky, each passerby has anger building in lies dark secret, screams demanding attention until one man pulls his gun, what brings fear into your open heart as you adjust to your loneliness, questions asked by those undermining the truth of greed, a growing cancer on peoples empty minds, determination to find your truth in writings misplaced and lost, the dreams of a young girl seeing herself performing on stage, we look desperately to find ourselves in motion not stagnant as slaves to others creating our own world an intuitive force of independent thoughts that bring us back to mother earth seeking those that are firmly in flight migrating to unknown realities

Monday, November 14, 2022


November 14, 2022

the assault on ones mind by corporate manipulation, a must needed approach to buying the newest, most unique samples of corrupt tyrants that dictate your future by showing fads that don't bring one forward with an idea, an independent mind ready to bust open with inner revelations of our uniqueness without being pointed at for now you are united with a foundation of being present in your own flow of life, not hiding behind a facade of someone else's propaganda for now you are  present, aware of their dominance over human beings as workers lose their homes, their purpose, their minds as corporations close down and move their business over seas where labor is mostly free, you fear your inner necessity of being  just yourself not a yes man, or a yes woman with other ego's seeking praise for their conditioned response for we are all in a play, and as actors bring forth a voice necessary to make the audience believe that your personal lives are just small parts in a bigger revelation that ultimately we are all going to parish as mother earth breaks away from the corrupt wealth with their greedy eyes always seeking an easy mark both physically and mentally taking you for a ride on a dark empty road where you will never return, lost in a universe that is insane


Saturday, November 5, 2022


November 5, 2022

faith, a belief in an invisible god determining our future in the old and new testament, a mean spirited ruler of mankind willingly attacking and murdering men, women and children as these egotistical rulers demanding all worship them and not some fictional character of man's make believe world, a paradise

 waiting to be entered not destroyed even if one kills innocence but repents to a godly illusion, a godless man, a make believe father, his son and a hidden holy ghost that will even forgive a serial killer allowing them to rise into a paradise and these aggressive self centered animals will explore their new home on

a cloud and look for ways to dominate the afterlife in the name of their holy man nailed to a wooden cross while his almighty father stutters and wonders finally what happened to this world of thieves that my son would absolve them of their murderous criminality and allow them to exploit  those that deserve an 

eden, oh right I broke that apart too for I was angry at these beings I created to worship me and not my son or holy ghost or mankind that was already out of control full of abusive demands on the poor and the meek for once I would have said they will inherit the earth but no way now for me and my only children 

will rise again not in a new testament but will stick together this time and divide mankind into many off shoots of your savior my son jesus christ resurrected to praise his only father, lets remember joseph was present only as a character to love mary in any way possible, for our god father in a book created to stifle 

any attempt to claim that we are the truth but only humans trying to siege power to give to our holy father which is pretty hard to do for we realize that we must fight for ourselves as gods do and we must abandoned our outer facade and move swiftly into the 1% that symbolize our human nature for more is better than nothing and in that philosophy we now must worship and adore our gods of greed


Monday, October 24, 2022


October 24, 2022


the sequencing of ones time

creating a direct means of escape


where one wants and demands to go

seeking his truth rarely fulfilled


by voices passivity of  inaction        

not understood, for each moment


in our lives has infinite possibilities as

we try seeking answers in our physical


façade as it becomes madness for

who we are and what will be is


a mixture of doubt and the realization

of ones future and your intuitive


expression that this reality is an

existence that one needs to flow


into your world of possibilities

moving forward in your originality