Dandelions Close-up

Dandelions Close-up
Dandelions In Black And White

Sunday, March 31, 2024

March 31, 2024

A Paradise Of Incompetence

the hand of god lifting one
up to the only heaven we
believe in, a paradise of
incompetence and make
believe, words we learned
in catholic schools bowing
our heads in prayer and 
being sent to the principles
office to get punished for
childhood actions as our 
lives at first changed slowly
until we knew there was no
after life, our holy father an
illusion of man kinds belief
that we are all in a sitcom
playing roles that give us
power over others and we 
feel our inner demands and
our need to take other lives,
their money for our select
group of powerful greed and
murderous profits is our only
means of belief created in a
paper god in a book centuries
ago that became meaningless
as we transitioned into selfish,
focused manipulations of this
earthly illusion now broken apart

Saturday, March 30, 2024

March 30, 2024

Eternity Of Selfish Wants

remembering times forgiveness
each moment an eternity of selfish
wants, a means to destroy innocents
as a destructive force that gives
others a desire for escape for hate
is more than just words of anger it 
deals one a demanding, antagonism
to leave in ruin anyone or anything
that makes you want to delf deeper
into the rituals of speech with a
desire to express your true nature
breaking free from the redundant
voices praising your inability to let
go of a reality that ultimately becomes
stagnant bringing fear into a your
cycle of doubt to be manipulated as
one learns to speak in anger, ones
inability to care for those that are
ripe for external corruption stealing
others way of life without hope to
become something you never were

Thursday, March 28, 2024

March 28, 2024

the words meaningless
without content, why help
others for in this new illusion
of wealth as our saviors is
compulsive fear that only
those of money can help
us become addicts of selfish
anger, how dare anyone
undermining my stature as a
groomed yes man, a sly facade
of positivity and praised our
elites of murderous content
for brown nosing human 
animals of egotistical demands,
these antagonistic immoral
vultures always looking for a
good scam to cash in on 
someone else's lively hood for
we the oligarchs of mental 
illness dreaming of a world
owned and run by those of
greed and mental power seeking
praise not for the suckers 
working their lives away but 
those smooth talking politicians
demanding we give all our money
to those of pure wealth, our old
gods of aggressive addiction
that puts up an illusion of caring


Monday, March 25, 2024

March 25, 2024

Hesse, "Formal tasks within the codes
of thoughts you have learned,"

experiencing an over whelming anxiety,
the horror of accepted consequences
from actions deemed fruitless for the 
rich see only in the eyes of profiteering
from the sacrifice of innocence, this
plague of money interests and the sour
smell of ones redundant voice, criticizing
demanding evasion, silence at the
monstrosity of actions destroying lives to
satisfy wall street and the criminal minds
that parade around high fiving each other
after another business gains power by
selling of pieces of a good company they
took over to destroy for fun and cash so 
they can move on to the next high priced
scams destroying peoples income and life

fatigue in his thoughts, his purpose found, 
yet being human, a physical body it needs
movement thought and intuition, prayers,
sacred words that speak a new language
of words that enter hearts and turn them 
cold and above the masses of the forlorn
ones seeking a place to live without fear
of evil spreading over this tiny planet soon
to perish in the war of nuclear waste,

their intuitive reasoning for they have 
broken the bonds of the intellects redundant
nature, the lies streaming outward

Sunday, March 24, 2024

March 24, 2024

what do you care, each of us have
our own ways of expressing anger,
jealousy, kindness and love for the
human race but time is running out
for the oligarchs that are raping the
lands, the seas and are polluting
mother earth for profits and these
men and women of power stealing
lives and ruining the futures of 
young people that have hope but 
as this planet breaks apart and
hunger spreads, floods spread with
vicious tornadoes and hurricanes
as whole cities and islands break
apart, all we feel is helpless for
all these years we allowed the
wealthy to gain more and more
power and money sent to off shore
accounts as these greedy minds
ignore overt destruction of this
planet for money only and while
the rich eat in the best restaurants
travel in their beautiful yachts and
planes as our atmosphere waists
away ruined but the corporations
could care less that around this
world countries are being overwhelmed
by climate change and as the crops,
cows, horses, homes all begin to 
fade away as money interest create
wars for profit as violence increases
and men, women and children suffer
at the hands of greedy criminal devils

Friday, March 22, 2024

March 22, 2024

at night they come out to kill
the rabbits, squirrels anything
in their hunger these coyotes
and their high pitched screams
some animals were caught in
the valley and their crying echos
keep us awake just as we were
falling asleep, do they surround
the innocence to be trapped,
hiding but not in a safe hide away
now surrounded as the young
ones anxious to learn their parents
Tekneek, only when their prey
is caught by the family then the
voices rise and a hallelujah breaks
free as all yell their victory for
dinner as they kill and then finish
their dinner they lie down to rest
for the night is not over and there
are other animals to be killed for
all are kids are still anxious to get
back to the hunt and learn more
from their family of murderous intent

Wednesday, March 20, 2024

 March 20, 2024

words spoken determining our identity
your vocabulary increases your ability
to mingle in the jungle of lies, or could
limit your position in a world used more
by the wealthy to undermine your decent
wages to feed your family or exit without
feeling lost, without feeling a means of
escape, we have been conditioned by our
environment to think, act and speak words
that are meaningless for our outer facade
is skin and bones while our inner vision is
one of fear, anger and hatred toward those
fools that popularize the power worshiping
those of greed, that have no meaningful
purpose than to kill, rape, create wars
while moving money to off shore accounts 
taking more and more from the peons that
huddle in their homes afraid of a world gone
mad and the oligarchs that rule us without
morals or ethics as millions die of starvation
while climate begins it last assault on humanity

Friday, March 15, 2024

March 8, 2024

I doubt the sequence of a 
revelation of your purpose
in this life on earth, a spec
of dust in a fast expanding
universe with billions of
thoughts trying to grasp
a means of expression that
would change their lives and
other lives lost in the expansive
demands of the rich creating 
a stagnant reality that lessens
your ability to move mentally
and physically ahead into the
maze with others trying to
survive but knowing deep
down under their facade that
all is lost without any ability
to force a revelation of your
senses to reveal our true
creator mother nature that 
seeks a means of reckoning
for all of us will die, some in
wars, some on drugs, some
born with physical diseases
others caught by the greed of
wealth as they undermine our
beautiful nature and allow this
planet to blow apart as storms
grow more violent and countries
land destroyed as people die
in innocence without hope of
a changing world that demands
wealth repair the damaged humanity

Tuesday, March 12, 2024

March 12, 2024

the hollow mind without purpose 
dead ideas once promising now
abandoned, our futures determined
by status and redundancy

why seek a perverted prayer asking
for your salvation when your ending
will be a meek expression of someone
else's theme of despair

voices raised in a high pitched scream
as one realizes the comedy of life
shelved in a drawer, locked waiting
for your demise and how much cash
their greedy jealously will bring

let us sit quietly amongst the trees and
flowers in bloom, sit still inside mother
nature and enjoy the abandoning of a 
lost eden once accepted now despised

Monday, March 11, 2024

 March 11, 2024

the reaction was a surprise, an
honoring of someone's life in a
violent mother earth, things 
change as we move into a greed
of owning this dying planet, except
there is no purpose given when an
innocent life is taken in a fit of rage
for those that are taught to hate
others for their skin color seeking
centuries of murdering anyone 
that this bold and selfish country
is all about a feeding given through
propaganda entering the ears and
minds of those seeking vengeance
for their lives unnecessary without
work, these drunks, these drug
addicts who think party hardy is 
their necessary aging process as 
they seek fun in abusing and destroying
different colored skin in hateful
jealousy for if they would look deeply
inside themselves they would find a 
blinded mind seeking redemption in
abandoning their violent thoughts and
begin their journey opening themselves
to all peoples living in a wonderful
changing of your hearts purpose, 
respect to all human beings that care

Tuesday, March 5, 2024

March 5, 2024

the remembrance of life
never lived, catastrophic
voices selling a demanding
hate toward others that are
not willing to despise their
neighbors as themselves
for what is truly living but
a few hours of following
those that have no barring
toward any freedom of
selfhood but always a
coordinated demand that 
one moves with the violent
minds that seek a revelation
not of an acceptance but 
an aggressive, shallow closing
down of ones ability to move
past those that one grew up
with and learned to hate as
a means of escaping your own
fears in those subtle moments
when you see and feel one of 
colors as a possible friend 
but as always you are jarred
back into a shallow life of racism

Monday, March 4, 2024

 March 5, 2024

Storm Escalating

listen to the savage minds 
demanding profits over human 
life, since the since the beginning
of time mankind would rather
kill than praise others as friends
each of us have an anger building
inside our narrow minds ready
to burst with animalistic hatred
toward anyone different than
we are, the supreme masters of
narrowing thoughts focused on
ones skin color, giving themselves
a raising of booze to friends, families,
co-workers that think alike and
accuse other cultures of taking
mother earth away from the 
masters of war, the wealth stole
land from the indigenous people
all over this planet as the 2% now
of sociopathic greed, are addicted
to power over god's illusive creation
for their domineering force of murderous
joy for greed is their addicted belief
in taking what is not rightfully there's

Sunday, March 3, 2024

March 5, 2024

Everything Has To Be Together

the realm of despair conquering
our sensibility to begin again with
open eyes and an openness of ones
heart to help and give others your 
time to flow in a system that
undermines our ability to demand
an ending to their lies that peculate
in boiling ideas twisted to mean
one thing but instead give the cults
of hate, anger and weapons madness
toward anyone that isn't a part of
being present in an ugly faith that
bends knees when asking forgiveness
for those that don't believe in our
truth of defamation of those that 
spread false ideals, blaming others
for your ugly sarcasm, your fate one 
of putting a stop to the growing
knowledge that no matter the slang
tones, all are equal in the eyes of a 
silent god while work has been done 
that opens the doors to those that
want to be part of something bigger
than those racists insisting in a 
narrowing mind that they are the
future of a world, decimated,
breaking apart anyone opening their
arms to anyone of god's lovely
children, that hate other churches 

Friday, March 1, 2024

March 1, 2024

the wrath of human nature, god like
as other human beings are abused
and murdered for profit on the battle
field as corporations exploit foreign
countries by selling them military
madness a means of killing human
beings easily without a true fight
for freedom for now is a scramble
for money as our true god, for our
holy jesus knows our limits of lying
with propaganda, how great this 
us of a country that knows how
to sell, buy and destroy men, women
and children lives as missiles fall 
off target, let us stop and rest our
minds by simply clearing your soul
of the hate, greed and fear as your
intuition realizes that our world of
pollution, our weaponizing dictators
with more evil power for what we 
seek is peace and quiet, a stillness
of the mind to retreat inward for
outward is a place of destructive force
both in our breaking climate and the
rich of the 1-2% that owned their
mola through intimidating by threats
and by force in order to get more power