Dandelions Close-up

Dandelions Close-up
Dandelions In Black And White

Saturday, September 30, 2023

September 30, 2023

stillness, thoughts beginning to subside
letting go of the false words of propaganda

each of us have choices to make bringing
forth a means for those that feel left

behind, betrayed, we know the priest raises
the body of christ and then the blood of

our savior left to be just another god asking
father to come down to his creation

mother earth and raise him up to our 
beautiful awakening in a vast universe

of impulsive revelations, each of us see the
world differently with complexity

for each realization forces one to open their
eyes to the evil that breaks apart your

desperate reality, no longer soured by words
blindness for your truth brings us closer

to a final shedding of greedy delusions for
what we are is only human beings trying

to keep our minds alive with our truth of self
as one begins to see the revelation

of ones role in understanding those forces
seeking justice for those brutally killed

Wednesday, September 27, 2023

September 27, 2023

hands grabby with jealous hate
ones intent is too undermine
another's praise, why look
further over this corrupt mother
earth for we all see, feel and know
those of greed and power without
morals, their is nothing that can
stop the wealth's demanding lust
we are still animalistic, willing to
kill without a second thought,
why are we here with a wide visual 
interior that is blind to the truth of 
our acknowledged senses for we 
realize our last days are here and
the heart beats of our future deaths
for our selfish demands that bring
forward those of bombastic praise
for all is only present when your 
life changes and silence becomes
your future without beginning a new
stage of openness and caring for all
human beings men, women & children

Tuesday, September 26, 2023

September 26, 2023

the instigated examination of doubt
as truth and truth washed and
cleaned and forgotten, aggression is 
the cleansing of inner turmoil, academia 
is the nose perched high on a dull skull
while receding tides always preparing
for another attack for in between time  
is pleasure gained and life extended

without the presence of potential ideas
riding you forward with unknown 
demands one begins to sense the
illusion of time's motion never fully
rewarding for our lives are single
stationary steady perceptions of
an illusive thought, the movement
of our mind and our supposed truth

invents itself with stubborn demands
inside your physical presence
aggression a necessary formula of
someone's truth, jealous of others
saintly nature, aggravated at the lies
truth, for we are exploited, we are
diminished in our words and our 
voices quiet soon to be silent at

the variations of possibilities
without accepting any voice that
claims his words are told through
faith as these priests of false
wisdom seek power over youth,
adults and those on their death
beds giving their homes to the
vatican for god needs us to give

and give so the wealth will be at 
ease taking more and more of
people's lives struggling to survive

Saturday, September 23, 2023

September 23, 2023

tired mind lacking the sense
of criminal minds those that
have no morals yet play the
pacifier, the one that loves
those around him and around
the world of manipulation of
their shallow minds that begin
to form their inner behavior
forcing the break through of
ones outer vision that sees the
destruction of this planet by
those of wealthy immoral greed
that could care less about those
that will be brutally killed for
human beings have become once
again the mindless treachery
that have a narrow sense of actions
for these lap dogs bark praising 
the 2% that have no morals and
love to take and take as children
starve, women raped and men
without a future being worked to
death, for all is under our thoughts
for we when younger accepted the 
sometime murders in a war these
men and women of vision & greed
that they are the true owners of 
this planet and we the men of
pleasure taking what we want
weather money or someone's life

Friday, September 22, 2023

September 22, 2023

we listen to the words of thieves
without morals just words that cut
deep into the minds of those seeking 
a means of escape, from there own
miscarriage for all have their moments
of anger and hate toward those that
undermine their mouth piece expressing 
lies that have no worth, nothing but a 
dagger in the thoughts of those demanding 
that their words are truth, let us stop
and think not externally in the maze of
criminal minds, their greed an addiction
to money inviting one to let go of truth
and attack those that have no business
trying to break through our soap opera
for our minds are changelings as we morph
into something new as we undermine
those seeking a realism of honesty that
has a wonderful mind set that demands 
others fall in line and march with the rich
and do what you are told for all of us know
the collapse of this earth, lives lost and
wealth feeds off only one addiction power

Thursday, September 21, 2023

September 21, 2023

I sit framed in a voice of rejection
without purpose, alone one fights
the instincts of possessive hate toward
those of focused eyes looking for easy 
targets to steal their hard earned 
income, for all is open and fair in a
turning world that demands the violent
tornado's, the violent hurricanes bring
forth the demanding power of mother
nature that has been shaken, thrown
into a hellish breaking down of ones
inner thoughts for this planet is on 
the verge of going into a dramatic,
startling reversal of the voices of the
greedy robber thieves, stating that
all is well, climate apocalypse is just
a word contradicting itself even though
when billions of people are in the havoc
of an aggressive destruction of a once
wonderful beauty that inspired musicians,
writers, speakers, athletes to let go of
the poison of the 2%, their evil greed
demands destroying all possibilities of
the working class getting a new outlook
in life for we know that right now our
lives are just useable flesh leading to 
a fast death around this planet of doom


Tuesday, September 19, 2023

September 20, 2023

nothing but feelings overwhelming anxious despair
remember the salty air, the waves swaying with
vigor and expectations, cornered mind with body
seeking escape driven by feelings of inferiority
brave acceptance not of the way things are, cruel
silence but the blind reverence for things appalling
reducing human progress reverting back into their 
true animal heritage, instincts aggressive with 
appalling rituals of murdering innocence and the 
cleaning up of the bodies satisfied with their
arbitrary fulfilment of a life cautious but well
planned by an intellect determined to behave
in an unacceptable manor, a good front never 
exposed hiding in the thrill of cruel actions and
words demanded but always a struggle ensues
poor child it could have been clean and fast
angered guilt betrayed by inconsistent planning
as others dictate to you their controlling stature
a force of will overwhelming leaving one in
madness screaming is this all I am, a toy to
be exploited, turned off or on what does it matter
as no echoed voice sings your song as answers
slip deeper into debt and seeing the blindman
and the homeless woman casually talking as
the light dims darkness covers your childhood
dreams as you are seen as an object present
in your own facade as you approach them, 
these barbaric animals greedy for more lies

September 22, 2023

this beautiful ego even at birth
demands attention instinctively

why wouldn't the baby need all 
eyes on themselves

the child's nature blossoms with
age to feel empowered when he  

is now the center of attention
and love brews in the child's

independent verse, suspicions
blinds us into silence waiting 

for their revealing acceptance 
without walking a tight rope

disappearing personalities tired
mind and aching bones

sitting at the table staring at hands
worn enclosed and broken 

personality only darkness remains
for we all are seeking falsehoods

worn calloused and broken apart
your personality believes in dark

remains, a slight breeze enters the
open curtains and moves as if it

has purpose as thoughts drift on
memories past, the lingering

pleasure replaced by the sinking
malaise of non-caring, a living

unworthy of your once openness
now your anxiety propels you to 

advance beyond your thoughts
evaporating, abandoned and left

as rubbish as one limits his only
opportunities turning at the light

to go home to a family that is
starving in an illusion of faith

let go into the depths of an open
dream, a heart intuitive to its

only purpose for it is all nonsense
in this entrapment with only 

one that will escape, why eat and
dress at the conclusion of your life

your ready to travel, waiting for
your final breath as you descend

with wings open and the darkness
awaits the becoming seed


Sunday, September 17, 2023

September 17, 2023

rejected lives incapable of surviving
hate, now a blessing, a force of evil

voices screaming their love evaporating
as this planet day by day, hour by hour

folds, collapses and is destroyed by the
egotistical men and women of wealth

destroying this planet for profit only,
who cares about the deaths of innocence

for the rich only think of themselves,
they ignore the screams and voice their

power over this planet of lies beings of
greed creating illusions of grandeur

while climate destruction of lives by
wars breaking apart our foundation of a

once beautiful landscape now we see 
them on fire and storms growing stronger

as the workers get stuck in dangerous
tornados, hurricanes, cyclones as homes,
buildings evaporate as we all begin to 
flutter and speak of a once beautiful

mother earth now being brutalized as 
trees fall, pollution grows as the north

and south poles warm up, as the oceans
rise, lakes turn into mud puddles as the

oligarchs enjoy their livelihood of taking,
breaking and raising food, gas and land
prices for these profiteers only think
of themselves and let everyone else suffer

in deadly circumstances of time ending with
the psychopaths, the hipsters of life's puzzles

Saturday, September 16, 2023

September 16, 2023

he is lost, he has been taken
he sings a tune of sorrow, all
have the lilac dreams suddenly
broken apart dissolving in 
scornful sins, he says his
goodbyes loses his footing trips 
and is caught, hands strong 
accepting his once boyhood,
your childhood of inner awareness
seeking your truth through the lies

dissolving with each touch, with
each separate act a way about him
praising his victim with a evil heart
the boy's soul already sent to a hell
he never dreamed would take him

what arrogance posted on his 
handsome face, he was going to
break all records, always ready to
seek the battered fortress scaling
the unknown truths worthy deceit

the church reclining in a slouch,
perturbed at the questioning boy
who insists god is blind and his 
screams echo in dark corridors of
quilt as no one cared to listen to
the fear aroused by the priests
desires, a domineering language, 
the young children sit attentive 
and cold waiting for his entrance, 
his acceptance, our fearful presence

he enters knowing a new year begins 
as his hand tingles a bit and he hasn't 
even examined his choices, the boys 
sit absolutely still silent in fear

Saturday, September 9, 2023

September 9, 2023

why does one seek to be
an obnoxious know it all

listen to the words of 
those seeking hatred

as their means of escape
from being silenced

for our lives are getting
shorter and death is ready

to take us to our dying coffin
while our friends and relatives

need time to think about
your secluded voice, a life

that you feel at home in 
yourself without needing

another realization that time
is an illusion as we create

a new openness of our future
now turned around in a

perplexity of one that demands 
ones voice repeat their anger

toward all human beings that
need an openness of truth

not from past voices of hate 
but from those that feed lies

into the minds of lost souls
built around those that need

and demand others to follow in
their evil voices spewing hatred

Thursday, September 7, 2023

September 7, 2023

we seek truths that give us the ability
to believe in created lies that hold us
apart as we learn to fight each other
as if we were the chosen ones, enemies
of hate and violence, and they are
nothings more than training to do the 
bidding of the rich crooks, for they seek
more and more power as the military
industrial complex, enjoying the violent
murdering of men, women and children
in foreign countries as the people are 
treated like animals as if they don't exist
for they have no other place to get to
for countries all over this planet have
turned away from individuality and 
replaced the powers that be as our new
savior of profits, their voices laughing
at the people's situation, do or die,
enjoying the torcher of those helping, 
trying to fight those that ignore the
bloody wars created by the 1% for more
money for these oligarchs of selfish
thoughts, words and physical torture
don't like anyone that tries to hide or
retreat into themselves pretending to
belief in these greedy, evil minds that
insist that we are those chosen that
will fight anyone and everyone that tries
to sabotage their individual creation 
showing their true nature of excessive
illusions of a future they can't control

Monday, September 4, 2023

September 4, 2023

I doubt words spoken by the elites of crimes
always lying on how good these banks are doing
when we all know that sooner rather than later,
these con games will end and the wealthy will
get their cash out of these banks of criminal
minds while others will loose all their investing
in a spit second and what help is our wonderful
hypocrites, these so called bought and paid
politicians going to do for us in our hard earned 
low paying jobs, nothing, for they too are owned 
by the elites of greed and injustice, for we demand
that those under our thumb will always praise our
wealthy lives of money and more money, can I
get a halleluiah, for the rich have always owned
this planet which is now broken and deteriorating
simple because you robber barons are killing,
stealing, raping and praising those that you bought
to do your dirty work while the rest of this world
is on fire, with tornado's, hurricanes, flooding, 
storms of pure violence, while the culprits of the
1% now the 2% lie to the people stating they love
the people worldwide and all we are after each
and every day is power over those fearful of their
lives ending through mother natures anger, for 
these sociopaths are always seeking profits
from violent demands, for death will soon be your 
godless love without a resurrection of yourself

Sunday, September 3, 2023

September 3, 2023

what we seek are illusions
figments of our imagination

our dreams becoming violent
hate becoming our only voice

what have we learned when
wealth destroys mother nature

just for more profits, our
lives now in turmoil as

time speeds up and gives
us more reckless anger

for we once had love to
become someone that

would create words that had
a deeper vision of our

lives now wasting away without
hope, seeking again your 

restless ability to complete your
visual reality being torn apart

by those angered by your silence
with a mind sealed shut

Saturday, September 2, 2023

 September 2, 2023

listen to the church speak, double talk
asking for your hard earned money
just like the temple dwellers selling
their wares as our priests with stagnate
minds demand praise for what the 
church sells, it's parishioner's a bogus
drama with a climax of deceit for the
priest weighing your sins is also the 
one committing them, for we are the
money lenders paying them for their
blasphemy with our goodness of soul

do we proceed to give our souls to
another who berates us for our child
thoughts as they eye their next conquest, 
praise the lord for their lying presence
who are these facades of christ's glory
being killed for our sins using words
to manipulate us into believing in some-
one else rather than ourselves,

the created cowardly instincts that 
fighting for our souls is not a godly 
love, it is a hatred toward deeper
jealous anger, thoughts of despair
trying to understand your life free
from those of religious demands as
if they were the true gods of power
over innocent children, what do other
human beings demand from their
own lives, freedom of thought is 
opening our lives to be ourselves,
sinners that don't have our faith for 
our god is the beast of burden and these 
pastors of a dying faith, for they know
their lies, their crimes of damnation
we kneel before them, these earthly
gods, ego's of their damaged faith, waiting
in their awareness of themselves, their
sinning ways for the archbishop will
always be present to forgive them and
move them to a new parish for more
sinful cruelty as they pray to an invisible 
god for their acts of rape and torture they
know their god will forgive them in hell