Dandelions Close-up

Dandelions Close-up
Dandelions In Black And White

Tuesday, October 31, 2023

October 31, 2023

regret words used in despair
for once one values a caring
heart as life begins its loss of
repetitive voices trying to bring
you out of the manipulations of
others making them believe they
have a choice of hard labor or
a demanding voice opening the
infinite possibilities still present
in your youth growing up fast
listening to voices dissecting
possibilities of money taken as
families lose status and retreat
in anger, madness and a new 
hate toward anyone trying to 
steal their con or telling lies 
that open the door of beliefs
that what this world demands 
is the elites of mega wealth and 
vicious murdering of those that 
know their lies and are exposed 
for their main gift to the flooded 
desires set up by a fast paste 
motion that allows one to be
scene, heard in anger for in order
to make yourself a fortune you
must seek your unknown future
as one begins his journey to greed

Monday, October 30, 2023

October 30, 2023

the leadership of a nation seeking
more power over the populace, 
demanding that anyone mouthing off,
criticizing the righteous murderers of
innocent children will be arrested
and jailed never knowing when or
if you will be freed, what we have
here right now is evil minds willing
to kill anyone in the name of their
brutally made god, forever silent
for this god has had enough of these
human mentalities that demand
for themselves this vicious senseless
bombing, leveling cities, bombing 
homes, a bombardment of profits
to come, killing a population over
two million human beings that are
being systematically murdered as
american profiters relish their selling
of billions of dollars of weapons to 
destroy life (god's children), human
beings with a clear reason, a racism
that destroys any words that claim
they are killing children, women, and
men in order to survive for their 
determination to destroy lives of
human beings, to hide behind a powerful
and destructive reality they created
to justify lives lost in order to take
land once again from people trying
to just live a life of freedom, not
destruction, as the bombs keep coming
down and innocent families dead and 
life is nothing for the aggressor is
creating more and more anger and 
hate and their survival will move forward
and take back their homes and lives
for their faith is real not an illusion

Sunday, October 29, 2023

October 29, 2023

the daily retreat, hidden moments
without hope, each night one feels
despair without authentic words
to bring you the answers from a 
dead god, words put into a statue,
a jesus nailed to a cross, a church
with god's apostles hidden in a
bible declaring themselves prophets
that felt and prayed to their own
inner fears with doubt of a man
claiming to be an immortal, a
savior for all that will kneel before
your ruling god and move forward
in your dying bodies for now you
will rise as I have resin up into
the sky, into the darkness of space
that outlines this planet that needed
a human god and a human mother
to be slaves of his resurrection and
thus our rising into the loving arms
of hell, a fearful realization that all 
is satan's desires to make you into
a brown noser, without pity, or hope
for what you are is a product to do 
the work for the wealthy as they profit
by murdering innocence human beings



Friday, October 27, 2023

October 27, 2023

the taking away of ones inner qualities
in youth demanding you accept the
peons as your destiny, but your revelation
that you are part of a bigger system of
making, taking money for your selfish
nature, exercising your personality of 
anger and your deep need to prove ones 
growing demanding nature to rule over
all those that are fearful, for your selfish
personality grows in harsh demands by
taking from others their hard earned
peanuts for there is no escaping the
minds of wealth that have from birth
a narrow vision of their planned stealing
passed down through centuries giving
their families a power of greed and hate
toward anyone that stands in their way
of profits, for their parents are proud
of their children learning to accept their
place in a rich home, knowing when mom
and dad are dead they will be in charge
fighting their brothers, sisters and cousins
to see who has the most potential to be
the victor, taking charge over the money
laundering and demanding that all present
must be tongue tied never to give outsiders
your true self, my puppets with a mind 
focused on the billions of dollars stolen
from families, their children dying of 
starvation worldwide, as climate keeps
getting angrier destroying cities, farms,
homes, as war's proceed and life begins
to turn away from truth and enters into
a greedy twisted soul looking to take
more money from the innocent people
just trying to keep their heads above the
hate they feel all around them, a growing 
need to stand and fight these evil devils


Wednesday, October 25, 2023

October 25, 2023

pride the foundation of protection
with a notification that who you
are is not necessary for being alone

one finds peace of mind that allows
one to accept life's illusions of a
wonderful place of acceptance of

ones piers but in a vague reality
one finds oneself amongst demonic
human nature an evil where men and

women live in clicks breaking free
from a faithful praise to a god
father bringing a mysterious love

to mother earth as we begin to feel
the exploitation of children being
killed by sociopaths of diligent 

faith for their is nothing external 
that means anything for truth is
nothing more than words fancy

lies for their is no chance of escaping
this world of murderous violence
brought forth through words spoken

by parents and priests as one departs
in deep sleep with a smile for your
viciousness of murderous desires

Tuesday, October 24, 2023

 October 24, 2023

through the patterned doors brown
with repetitive faces each moment
a change of heart, a giving and a
voice demanding someone's behavior
be left alone with out consequences

focused vision as those in hopeless
minds attract a means of escaping
from the terror of others walking
streets at night seeking on opening
of change inside peoples dying minds

what we seek is never ours for we are
left behind with polluted minds seeking
power over those that stampede to buy
those specimens of clothes that bring
out a mix of gangs lost in their own

festivities of becoming for once their 
own reason for all is never righteous
after entering a wonderful catholic
church where one begins to accept
ones fate, their mood one of expressive

demands as our lives from an early life
was blown apart, destroyed by sociopaths
murderous minds that demand the feeling 
of power over innocent beings seeing if they
would seek the reality they are addicted in

when in fact their behavior is our only reason
why we would rather die than be the priests play
thing, but as one ages one sees a means of
destroying the priest that raped you for his
pleasure which was only in the eyes of a dead
god did he win his pardon of brutal, sexual
rape of a small boy that thought priests were
good in the eyes of god's congratulations when
in fact they were predators seeking young
boys that would never see this brutal rape

coming over and over again to destroy his life 
and dreams he prayed for but was destroyed
mentality and physically as a doll to be taken

Saturday, October 21, 2023

October 21, 2023


photography is more than just taking photos,
photography is opening yourself up to the
beauty, drama, violence, suffering, of all insights
into the mental makeup of our lives through
image creations never surround yourself with
negativity, everything is a pain from the past,
be aware but move beyond your fears and
anxiety and just be yourself making great images 

we see only what we are trained as children
to see and we ignore the alleys of vision that
could open our eyes to the infinite compositions
of scenes waiting for you, that allows you to
think more intuitively and sense details that
reflect our inner character as we open our
minds to our new revelations of image creation

photography is opening all our senses to the
external reality that we are living in but fail
to examine through our unique vision not yet 
realized and developed, we need to be seeing 
our own instinct blossom, opening ones mind  
to the beauty and violence that surrounds us

we see the world through our eye sight but we 
also see the world, feel the world through all our
senses opening our inner mind to accept the
landscape before us but not just the surface
dive into muddy waters hoping for a good picture,
but for us we must dive deeper into the currents 
which allows us a unique transformation of seeing
the scene before us and the image that we will create

for all subjects, photographs we delve deep into
not only seeing details new to our potential
image realization but also a gift of connection 
with the outside world and its infinite possibilities,
we must as photographers use all our senses
to release in our sight an overwhelming feeling 
of belonging to something bigger within us which
leads us to respect mother earth and the beauty
in nature present before we click our camera

if we can break through the conditioned, 
accepted reality that we have been forced
to view subjects on a surface reflection and
on unwillingness to go beyond the surface of
visual repetitions seen over and over again
for we must break free of the intellect that
finds you the stereotypes of visual composition
as the usual dull numbers on a puzzle of cardboard 

you must use your visual instincts to go beyond
the game of being a copy cat and move to 
express your inner, visual sight with subjects
only you see and that you connect with on a 
deeper level

Thursday, October 19, 2023

 October 19, 2023

souls regret the action of disguise
angry faces loathing those having
a wedding, why do we accept the
inevitable loss of companionship
we seek for ourselves without caring
for those in trouble in a life that was
created by the 1%, lets be honest
with these crooks of selfishness
for they exist because our lives are
theirs, we have been consistently
stolen by these men and women
of power for they, come first through
the maze of deliberate association
with those of different personalities
for freedom of thought is your only
means of escape for the hell created
centuries ago to this blood bath of
destruction as these vicious, greedy
haters toward anyone trying to 
undermine those in crooked deals
for all those chained to poverty trying
hopelessly to move beyond ones
broken faith and fight for your freedom

Wednesday, October 18, 2023

October 18, 2023 

our world wide governments beholding to
wealth, they are addicted like oligarchs
to the pain of others, profits of the reckless
greed of money, power of sexual wars
and ego's of hate toward anyone that 
doesn't do what they demand our god's
of vicious mayhem and murdering for
profits without caring for human beings

we live in this god awful illusion of time,
the voices rest in peace their unexplained
loss of a mental reality almost taken,
motional despair as one finds oneself
living under the voices of thieves 

step back and take a few images of our
tortured existence, all of us will be
nothing but a body repeating what he 
has been told by a mind on fire was we
seep back into a false world owned and
operated by the sociopaths of greed

Monday, October 16, 2023

October 16, 2023

faces not recognizable poisoning their
need for pleasure

knowing the unknown one seeks 
understanding in the anxiety

of becoming known, seeking silence
we exist in sin our birth stamped

us heathens by the bibles ill sacrificial
lambs, the powers that attract

the work these sinners dominate their puny
lives with fear of hells fiery fury

god's will forces us to believe in an
extension, a reality beyond our senses

no where to be seen yet adored for
in visioning a paradise after the

hell we live in today, but we are not
sanctified flesh and blood we are

not individually powerful so we rely on
our religion to swarm around us

demanding our innocence to be sacrificed
for the good of the horny priests that

favor young virtue over the more street
wise, the communion of our lives

seeking god's flesh and blood forcing us
to acknowledge and accept the 

the forces of our guilt in being born sinful
with the devils greedy touch

why should we be forced to accept 
someone else's words as truth 

when we are born into our own nature
of human reasoning for there is no one

that feels and sees my own inner reality
as I seek those that harm human beings

that are given low pay without a good job
as the owners talk and take some more

Saturday, October 14, 2023

October 13, 2023

the darkest moment,
a loss of caring for
others, as more and
more violence becoming
our new reality, a
means of being other
than your adolescence,
your grade school, 
your high school, for
you were being picked
on by older boys that
saw you as a whipping
post, as your anger grew
your inner awakening
brought you a means of
retaliating, as you began
your physical attacks on 
those that once forced 
you to cow down to the
bullies with no brains to
speak of, ego's that made 
them feel powerful, older,
better than those just 
getting taken advantage of
for now they are no longer
the boss men, no bragging
a strength has been born,
a strength that brought 
forward your physical 
power, a cognition of your
inner demands, an awareness
of those that are now looking
for you hoping you will be
able to demand that your
freedom is not in child's play
but an inner desire to end 
those that hide behind another's 
despair that are cruel for all is never
real only an imagination of pain
that will not be yours but there's

Thursday, October 12, 2023

October 14, 2023

sitting still falling asleep, each moment
of ones inspiration dissolves as one
understands the hype of parents, friends,
teachers all claiming your a genius, you

have it made, pick your subject, your 
collage, your major, all of your thoughts
are waiting to express insights into words
miraculous offering as you realize your

future is not to be conditioned in me to
please your teachers, friends and parents
for your goals no matter how big or small 
will give you balance and understanding

and a realization that those that created
the industry of power will treat you like
pavlo's dog if you move yourself into a 
corner, a maze of ideas going no ware

you must make your own choices to be
what you want to be, wealth speaks words
of phoniness without depth, surface 
propaganda as you finally realize the

reality you live in is another dimension, this
one alive with crowded crooks and growing
evil as wealth uses weapons creating 
wars killing this planet for those egotistical

crooks desire power over caring for others,
damn the children always in our way for
the reality we live is nothing but fear and
those in wealth demand their way of life

is only for those that have taken and taken
without morals or ethics for all of us are
born into their hands, these mother and 
fathers of devilish desires demanding their

right to take what they want without any
fear of being takin to jail because they
own the jails and demand those that have
morals be stripped of their homes and jobs  


Wednesday, October 11, 2023

October 11, 2023

the cold reality of ones undoing
leaving behind those that attacked
with smiles and always important 
inner information of those that
surmounted you just to take and
take your money and you found
fighting your inner demons, was 
your only means of escape as you 
stared out your office window with
a view of impossible dreams, more
dead ends than open wounds dire
means of accepting your fate, this
unholy world of thieves, surrounded
by evil, immoral devils of greed, 
animals without mercy or caring for
what they have accomplished
ignoring their devastating of human
hope for now as this world collapses
they demand more profits undermining
peoples lives uprooting their inability
to maintain their homes as the rich take
without giving and the poor keep 
scrounging for food for their children

Monday, October 9, 2023

October 10, 2023

relax enjoy the silence
of a beautiful sunny day

what do you feel knowing
this catastrophic destruction

of our aggressive nature
demanding that your voice

be heard as one slinks back
into his convoluted desires 

to be more than just rich but
to be worshipped as a

wonderful human being as
loud voices penetrate

the gorgeous atmosphere of
pollutants and illness spreading

worldwide but the wealthy know
that their words are god's

word and any blasphemy spoken 
is a sacrilege and intrusion into

the rich's lies for they all prance
around at parties describing

their latest demands for the brown
nosers willing to do anything to

make a few bucks and make them-
selves ready and waiting for any

thing the 1%, our wealthy crooks
demand constant profits put in

our hidden accounts all legal,
under our rules of criminality

 October 9, 2023

voices laughing at the dawning of
our deadly mother nature, as the rich
head for their luxurious homes and
thousands of miles of primo lands
inviting friends over for a barbecue
and a serious talk of their coming 
upon those that are disrupting their
ability to steal, confiscate, destroy
receiving social security and medicare
and all these losses will be sent into
the arms of the rich for they earned
billions selling weapons of destruction
just so they can make a good profit
from these cookies, these criminal
leaders enjoy the killing process 
while human beings starve, murdered,
raped, loss if jobs all in the name of 
the great united states of shame
murdering innocent families for profit