Dandelions Close-up

Dandelions Close-up
Dandelions In Black And White

Monday, May 13, 2024

May 13, 2024

All Along The Watch Tower

the rampaging deceit, broken words
meaningless ideas, thoughts now
dissolve where the young now loose 
in the mase of excrement and as one
begins to see the broken foundation
of words used to undermine, those
in dyer straits, what lasts is your inner
revelation that holds ones outer ideas,
your focused on others that force their
lies as truth and begin demanding minds
seeking to dispel those that are inner 
twined with criminal ideas that bring
forth ones realization that your reality
is broken for you have spoken in selfish
anger waiting for your turn to collapse
the motivation to put one in the back
track demanding that life must begin 
again, not selfish, greedy lies but an
openness of truth that instils in the
people a foundation of hope to live a 
life that all can be part of, with love


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