Dandelions Close-up

Dandelions Close-up
Dandelions In Black And White

Friday, May 10, 2024

May 10, 2024

I listen to the sounds of ones instant
gratification, for each moment a jewel 
to take in and enjoy letting it pass
without defeat for ones beginnings, is
one ends, each movement you make
creates a new sense of space, what
we are is never spoken, we have studies
of our physical nature defining our
presence as another human being
unaware of your place amongst the
criminal junction as we applaud the
diversity of ones loss as each creature
builds a fortress with others hard 
earned money, what we demand is
respect of ones position as we posture
with a dynamic grin for nothing remains,
no matter how hard one demands
stagnation of accumulation for no-one
can begin to project our present
dilemma for how does one see and feel
this reality constantly in flux as if
waiting for one to make a unique
representation of a boy demanding
tricks as the clowns rejoice in their
made-up costumes each knowing
that what is real is a projection of
our inner reality finally turning outward
with a means of shifting our future to
blossom as you become one of insights
and one of hope all will be pardoned


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