Dandelions Close-up

Dandelions Close-up
Dandelions In Black And White

Thursday, May 23, 2024

 May 23, 2024

No Morals


dull motive belief, a stepping backward,
guilt released with brutal fists each of us
seek a deceptive purpose, being known


for your work repeated endlessly, why does
one lower himself to be ridiculed by a lazy
purpose, a mouth easily sworn at before


fists reek havoc on one innocent of turning
outward demanding a reason for ones short
temper waiting for the moon setting, a crescent


shape with the moon present by the sun rays,
only catch a bright curve as the moon ends
his human ritual allowing all to see his means


of escape, for the earth is dying and the dead
will not rise and those hanging onto material
things demand a bigger piece of the criminal


lies, the actors that seek to destroy the ones
ability to sleep, replaying the screams and
the laughter, the yells of defeat and the hiding


for that moment when you can run and give the
ordinary a look at those above the law for they
are the new gods of greed with no morals

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