Dandelions Close-up

Dandelions Close-up
Dandelions In Black And White

Friday, May 31, 2024

 May 31, 2024

Nervous Uptight With Wings

decide right now this minute
each second an infinity of time
abandoned to redundant words
expressing stale, stagnant what
ifs each opening of yours eyes
gives one the vast universe to
study with growing awareness
of ones ability to become a 
unique perspective, a voice 
approaching others in friendly
spirit giving, seeking a unanimous
becoming of self without the
belligerent aggression of jealous hope

May 31, 2024

idols are everything you
set out to become in your
youthful dreams, inner 

being imitating those 
actors that are known,
worshipped as angels of

of pure energy giving
themselves to an audience
of believers, everything

revolves around fame and
fortune, we seek godlike
reverence to those that are

pure of heart, voices as 
perfect in pitch, setting a
reason to be alert when

a strangers voice breaks 
through your focused attention
on a famous face moving back

and forth with concepts of
future remains for this is our
hour of need, caught in the 

webbing of the holy ghost
as one signals his orchestrated
escape as all heads turned away

May 31, 2024

Politicians Bought

this garden of eden is without hope
for even now the corporate greed 
remains and won't stop the destruction

of our planet, they have no morals
these billionaires want to experience
outer space before their business

flounders and is disrupted when oceans 
rise, temperatures rise, tornadoes
increase in power, hurricanes become

monsters of revenge for their is no 
stopping the sociopaths that focus
on one thing and only one thing

even more than their children and 
then wives, the parents and that 
addiction is for money and more

more money, silent and manmade breeds
those a-moral monsters of aggressive
power for life is nothing more than

chance, luck or violence, a connection
through a friend you learned the inner
city, the trade of violent actions and now

in business the same powerful force of
your intention to become the wealthiest
man in this poor world for you were

given the key to this far, far away universe
and your desires are bought, your parties
are a reminder of your position in high society

and all that matters in this beleaguered world
is faith, a faith in yourself that anyone
interferes with your profits will experience 

the bloody hand of god for business is not
for sissies but a man doing what it takes to
maintain a hold on the politicians bought 
and sold and your employes trained to obey

Thursday, May 30, 2024

May 30, 2024

more light stills ones senses
look with intense understanding

letting go, your belief in dominating
the external facade of players

dressed to support the ego's 
determination to be seen and heard

without any slight interruption, release
the behavior, simplicity of lies, volumes

of those retreating, each word spoken
narrows ones ability to break free from

the alphabet of determined loss, 
sequences of words that describe your

perceptions with eyes ready to label 
colors as being excentric for if one digs

under the service of ones evaporating
depth, your consciousness an eccentric

looking, desiring the fragments of a reality
worked to become a mirage of ones actions

hoping that the sentiment of beauty still
presents itself as one begins to age and 

finally sits quietly looking at the sky 
remembering those moments as children

as shooting star's streaking across the
black candles lit sky settles into a field

as the farmer comes out and acknowledges
his neighbor as the world begins to spin
and the temperature rise and each of us 
determined to surface without jumping ship

May 30, 2024

we seek truth of mind, a sturdy head
on your shoulders, a means of putting
others at peace, what is the exploration
of doubt, your inability to confront fear


our minds age and begin to see and hear
things out of context, our imagination
transforms our vision into a spy thriller
our awareness worn down with illusive


understanding, dreams changing becoming
a real awareness of others lies, truth now
a puppet show with all sorts of strings
attached keeping your head just above water


you begin to see deeper into the manipulation
of our mind, speed leads to an awkward
realization, what your physical presence is,
just an external representation of yourself


before and after the slow foundation of ones
purpose here on mother earth, we seek the
beautification of our inner intuitive force just
to understand that your choice of truth lifts


one above the mayhem of an early adults 
meandering mind, why would having my
engine on represent a courtly understanding
of ones homemade drunken oblivion there


is nothing unseemly about making sure all
your forces are ready and we need a sign
now allowing us to rush the insincere priest
punishing our sins but never his own, for


he our minister of rape, our willful request
that this monster of sexual appetite seeks all
that come willingly without remorse built 
around what if's, asking us to just let go you


young boys, that will soon evaporate through
the brutality of a man, not a priest, an animal
seeking desires for himself as these kids 
falter and are reduced to toys being exploited

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

May 29, 2024

There Is No Answer To Human Hate

Sit and wait, stand and walk away
each moment a truth, a meaning
given without exploiting your determined


focus, an independent mind brings one
closer to self without a mixture of your
external facade, a body moving in


rhythm with the flow of others with the
flow of others looking for anything to
feel and believe in without guilt of one


being present in their vision of a changeable
reality that has been consumed by the
addiction to power and money to change


the external building blocks of power over
human beings, one seeks revelation of truth
that brings one to the abyss of knowing


a universal truth, a moment of charity feeling
the sacrifice of oneself to save the lost sheep
on a cross without mercy, a profit demanding


human nature begins it's advancement on those
feeding off the populace around the world being
linked with others attempting to overcome the


waves of exploitation of human beings for profit
as the fat cats sit and tell their stories at a lavish
party of criminal greed, laughing, drinking, talking


with egos getting bigger everyday as they discuss
the new investments that would pollute more, 
create fires, flooding, murders, wars, profits as


the atmosphere, deliberated and the people will die
and the power of greed begins its demanding hate
for those that step into their power and take everything

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

May 28, 2024

The Aged Hand Begins To Tremble

the excuses dominate your life style
the blaming of someone else for your
lack of morals, each action determined, 
setting up your conquest without a moral

compass, why fear your actions of deceit
for you new from early childhood that one 
could blame others, for your aggressive

assault of another person of innocence,
your instincts one of a hidden mania, of
money interests and the bankruptcy of

other livelihoods, or your sociopathic desire
to control another where you are the good
cop and the person you are wanting, while

your fingers begin to believe they are at fault
for this violent out burst of anger toward anyone
questioning your behavior, demands punishment

May 29, 2024

Silence Can Be A Blessing

restless, over thinking ones goals, 
ones place in the scheme of money
a simple rule that sabotages ones
efforts for honest income, for the

rulers of this dying planet own the
people, they understand the precarious
rules of embezzling hard earned 
profits made by the working ants

that realize over the past half century
income of the middle class resides
like a morning tide, the poor and 
homeless feel the pressure of an

absent god allowing them to work
for peanuts, on the dollar where
the owners take all they can for 
the workers are not worthy in sharing

in the greed fest of someone else's
criminality and the upper middle class
prance around their secluded neighborhood,
a gated community with police patrolling

the community protecting the second tier
of wealth for these are jealous animals
and each try to outdo their neighbor with
the newest and greatest ego of self

serving greed, and then we have the truly
rich that see themselves above the masses
of working anger, working each morning
to closing time and being stiffed with

low wage while the rich fly into outer 
space as the poor starve, wars always a
good business investment for the crooks,
killing of innocent children, mothers and

fathers, these military mad sociopaths find 
no glitch in the wonderful killing machine,
isn't that something, we have polluted 
oceans, rivers, skies, poor air quality,
fires out of control, hurricanes, floods,
polluted cities, homes as the rich leave
for their summer mansions for parties,
inside trading where they toast to greed

and all shake hands for all need more
and more money, wall street will be 
stunned with the retreating investments
for the word got out quickly amongst

the insider traders to sell stock and bonds
and wait until a new con begins to flourish
and all the criminal minds are alerted to
the potential of more, more, more money
power and monopolies that steal for the rich

Sunday, May 26, 2024

 June 3, 2024

Your Limitation Of Fighting Trust

we are covered with our parents personalities,
their loves, their hates in the external world,
our outside exterior trying to blend in with
friends as our procession of lives moving
toward an external death as we get older our 
lives speed up and before we are polluted with
lies, with doubts we see a means of escaping
our already determined destination, we get
back what we gave to others in the turmoil of
poverty both mental and physical, a simple
gift without fanfare brings forth your truth of
purpose and expression of ones inner being
finally seeking your unique perspective, your
inner voice free to accept the monstrosity of
wealth that leads no where but death, close
your eyes see and feel the darkness that is,
that surrounds you without cheers, just there 
like our flesh is still there and us all age and
deuteriation we find ourselves able to express
the corruption of ourselves as we look for loop
holes, easy marks, bought ideas, off shore 
accounts to hide our stolen wealth by paying
a portion of our loot to the bankers that are
above the law, we seek the principle of good
deeds as we grow older, good deeds, just 
become actions without satisfaction for as 
you spend your time reaching out to help and
change another's life you fall into the human
charade that is present for the taking and
with no fluff but purposeful, will you rob and
take from others what is rightfully theirs
but no longer, your will is strong to reap the 
benefits of your newly begotten criminal mind,
can I get a long and glorious hallelujah

Saturday, May 25, 2024

May 25, 2024

Believing In False Truth

the callus bruises and your cut hand, 
a means of freedom, a demanding
personality to be yourself and acknowledge


your place in infinite time and infinite space
a return to the foundation of truth, a visual
sense, a word that changes your friendship


your perception once shallow looking for the
quick pleasure now deeply seeded in the 
awareness of our individuality as you begin


your journey away from the grabbing jealousy
of false truths as we seek our place transformed
into an individualist with purpose and hope

May 25, 2024

Live Beyond The Trapping Of Our Soul

the letting go of words played,
redundant perceptions delinquent
introverts, an understanding that 
one lives alone with family buzzing
around interrupting ones solid remorse,
never to back down, each moment
a life time if one opens their eyes not
in an external repetitive circle of 
voices, products, scams continuously
demanding a response of praise
for we are only sure when standing up
to something more than cliches, words
that have no depth, one sees the ending
and moves, demanding an invisible god
to accept oneself into paradise contained
not by ghostly bodies but a vision, what one feels
and sees by closing ones eyes to the circus 
of criminal plundering of our own planet
just so a few can promise and show their 
egos as hollow as a dying tree, expecting
all to bow to their power of money, their
ownership of people, fears, desire and 
income for all is right this time around, we 
are all stagnant shells walking and taking
words from our indoctrination, our school
a conditioning of ones intellect that is done,
the freedom of thoughts are all within, using 
your intuitive mind seeking truth not lies

Thursday, May 23, 2024

 May 23, 2024

No Morals


dull motive belief, a stepping backward,
guilt released with brutal fists each of us
seek a deceptive purpose, being known


for your work repeated endlessly, why does
one lower himself to be ridiculed by a lazy
purpose, a mouth easily sworn at before


fists reek havoc on one innocent of turning
outward demanding a reason for ones short
temper waiting for the moon setting, a crescent


shape with the moon present by the sun rays,
only catch a bright curve as the moon ends
his human ritual allowing all to see his means


of escape, for the earth is dying and the dead
will not rise and those hanging onto material
things demand a bigger piece of the criminal


lies, the actors that seek to destroy the ones
ability to sleep, replaying the screams and
the laughter, the yells of defeat and the hiding


for that moment when you can run and give the
ordinary a look at those above the law for they
are the new gods of greed with no morals

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

May 22, 2024

words dominate lies ideas buffered by 
concrete, each speaks their own language
doubts the expanse for fear, a turning
away from a god unknown, never seen
or heard profits fit their individual ideas
into segregation of ones will from the 
corrosive entanglement of many gods
previously adorned now, preaching 
abandoned with one standing, sacrifice
dying on a cross, for our blindness of an
aggressive preacher seeking eternity
of worship, each word spoken a substitute
of exposing ones guilt, a treacherous attack
on another looking for loop holes all 
through the bible that each lives alone 
and each dies alone, only mercy will help


Saturday, May 18, 2024

May 18, 2024

visible arrangements praying to the
gods with our photos of jesus and his
apostles having joy sitting at the table


with christ, for one who needs a sacrifice, 
a crucifixion for our god is undermining
the power of greed and wealth even an


early arrangement for those that have their
own ways of deceit over the people as they
take and take and destroy all, anyone that


brings in a new bible praising their god as
our god for we pray to the vast arena of
writing words that create for you a means


of stagnant mouths, with eyes deeply hiding
behind the loss of truth for each have their
own means of acceptance of those with a


powerful voice demanding god come down-
ward so all gods people have our understanding
that we all need a sense of power and we need


to pray to our lord, jesus christ, bringing his
heart felt openness to all that believe in his
words and in his feeling of hopelessness


for jesus son of god will soon be taken and
nailed to a cross and more books will be
written buy a god allowing his son to die for him 

Friday, May 17, 2024

May 17, 2024

What We Try To Seek

I regret the selfish desire to become less
than ones promise, each lie a sacred 
commitment to exploit the congregation
for monied interest, we think we have our
peace in god's paradise, a good paying
job, a wife that loves you and children
easing into becoming stars of their
respective schools, all is spoken, a loved
dissecting actions, expressions, words,
eye contact moving you forward to a 
higher goal, where one is seen and heard
in a positive light smiling waving to the
people who came to give you a farewell
send off not to a living paradise where 
our invisible god reigns supreme in a
small town buried where a small ground
of friends joined hands approving your
canned ashes and bowed their heads in
a flailing remembrance of your demoralized
will trying to create a better eden where god 
doesn't seek to put his children in their
place, showing them his power and his
ability to kill all with a smug voice and a 
wide smile for he is a devilish entity
without any morals just a need for power