Dandelions Close-up

Dandelions Close-up
Dandelions In Black And White

Saturday, October 7, 2023

October 7, 2023

what are we but used products doing the
dirty work for the one percent

listen to the cries of those put down in despair
the breaking apart on ones reality a sorrow

of ending without an opening in the layers
of vicious greed taking without morals

we see this world of cities, small towns and
the vicious atmosphere of doubt as those

in place seek more not less, for greed is
always a means of escaping from the dyer

stress of poverty, more not less, for 
selfishness becomes a longing of

power, we pray to ourselves not a lost figure
on a wooden cross dying to save our souls

moving forward beyond those of murderous
intent we stop and look inside to see if

we still have thoughts of hope, saving lives,
protesting the destruction of this planet

by money hungry rich who live for profits 
and cash put away in vaults of immunity

for they take and destroy those that come 
forward to shatter their greed, those 

politicians sucking up to money laundering
as these hypocrites enjoy their power

their lies breaking apart a truth now dying
without anyone listening to the call of revolution

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