Dandelions Close-up

Dandelions Close-up
Dandelions In Black And White

Sunday, October 29, 2023

October 29, 2023

the daily retreat, hidden moments
without hope, each night one feels
despair without authentic words
to bring you the answers from a 
dead god, words put into a statue,
a jesus nailed to a cross, a church
with god's apostles hidden in a
bible declaring themselves prophets
that felt and prayed to their own
inner fears with doubt of a man
claiming to be an immortal, a
savior for all that will kneel before
your ruling god and move forward
in your dying bodies for now you
will rise as I have resin up into
the sky, into the darkness of space
that outlines this planet that needed
a human god and a human mother
to be slaves of his resurrection and
thus our rising into the loving arms
of hell, a fearful realization that all 
is satan's desires to make you into
a brown noser, without pity, or hope
for what you are is a product to do 
the work for the wealthy as they profit
by murdering innocence human beings



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