Dandelions Close-up

Dandelions Close-up
Dandelions In Black And White

Monday, October 9, 2023

October 10, 2023

relax enjoy the silence
of a beautiful sunny day

what do you feel knowing
this catastrophic destruction

of our aggressive nature
demanding that your voice

be heard as one slinks back
into his convoluted desires 

to be more than just rich but
to be worshipped as a

wonderful human being as
loud voices penetrate

the gorgeous atmosphere of
pollutants and illness spreading

worldwide but the wealthy know
that their words are god's

word and any blasphemy spoken 
is a sacrilege and intrusion into

the rich's lies for they all prance
around at parties describing

their latest demands for the brown
nosers willing to do anything to

make a few bucks and make them-
selves ready and waiting for any

thing the 1%, our wealthy crooks
demand constant profits put in

our hidden accounts all legal,
under our rules of criminality

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