Dandelions Close-up

Dandelions Close-up
Dandelions In Black And White

Wednesday, October 18, 2023

October 18, 2023 

our world wide governments beholding to
wealth, they are addicted like oligarchs
to the pain of others, profits of the reckless
greed of money, power of sexual wars
and ego's of hate toward anyone that 
doesn't do what they demand our god's
of vicious mayhem and murdering for
profits without caring for human beings

we live in this god awful illusion of time,
the voices rest in peace their unexplained
loss of a mental reality almost taken,
motional despair as one finds oneself
living under the voices of thieves 

step back and take a few images of our
tortured existence, all of us will be
nothing but a body repeating what he 
has been told by a mind on fire was we
seep back into a false world owned and
operated by the sociopaths of greed

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