Dandelions Close-up

Dandelions Close-up
Dandelions In Black And White

Friday, October 27, 2023

October 27, 2023

the taking away of ones inner qualities
in youth demanding you accept the
peons as your destiny, but your revelation
that you are part of a bigger system of
making, taking money for your selfish
nature, exercising your personality of 
anger and your deep need to prove ones 
growing demanding nature to rule over
all those that are fearful, for your selfish
personality grows in harsh demands by
taking from others their hard earned
peanuts for there is no escaping the
minds of wealth that have from birth
a narrow vision of their planned stealing
passed down through centuries giving
their families a power of greed and hate
toward anyone that stands in their way
of profits, for their parents are proud
of their children learning to accept their
place in a rich home, knowing when mom
and dad are dead they will be in charge
fighting their brothers, sisters and cousins
to see who has the most potential to be
the victor, taking charge over the money
laundering and demanding that all present
must be tongue tied never to give outsiders
your true self, my puppets with a mind 
focused on the billions of dollars stolen
from families, their children dying of 
starvation worldwide, as climate keeps
getting angrier destroying cities, farms,
homes, as war's proceed and life begins
to turn away from truth and enters into
a greedy twisted soul looking to take
more money from the innocent people
just trying to keep their heads above the
hate they feel all around them, a growing 
need to stand and fight these evil devils


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