Dandelions Close-up

Dandelions Close-up
Dandelions In Black And White

Wednesday, December 6, 2023

December 6, 2023

Fading Away

the separation of self 
from extreme baggage
with infinite words creating
thoughts retreating into
silence, the cause of concern
is no concern, your life is
not in your hands

haven't you experienced the
unbearable weight of confusion
life's twisted money men and
women taking from innocence,
your perceptions annoying the 
greedy controlling forces

we move pass each other
without noticing another's
frightened eyes, we rush
someplace without seeing
those that pass you, heads
downward silent thoughts

fearful of those that seek 
to control all of us, our
physical reality is an illusion
an external betrayal, a 
knowing of your false witness
and the commonality between

those of hate that seek to 
murder others as if this was
a truth all must do, these cold 
hearted barriers without
individuality, words, expressions,
clothes, your walk duplicates of

personalities each built to appear
independent, but yet lacking
in originality, thoughts not your
own that claim their revelations
in desires knowing truth for we
are seeking only what we have

been taught to envy, a conditioning
to think without a personal voice
always seeking an illusive reality,
an independent mission, a pretext
conditioned to think without a 
voice independent of the false

external silence, the angered
emotion we will be the ones
stating facts, we will say if 
you get to have a nice home
in a nice neighborhood for we
lords of possessive greed for

we will dictate to you your 
anger and behavior driven 
to cheat others out of their
hard earned money stolen
driving you to an early grave
why so gloomy staring out at

the night seeking more than 
just cries of human beings 
murdered, we must hold on
to those elusive words praising 
a truth denied knowing you 
haven't the means to pay your

rent, your chair placed in front
of the window so you can watch
the cars streaming by with
places to be but for you, you 
have no place to go that could
excite your mind to change 

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