Dandelions Close-up

Dandelions Close-up
Dandelions In Black And White

Sunday, December 17, 2023

December 17, 2023

the beginnings of a rotting
life, evil begins it's rebound
from centuries of a man god
named jesus of nazeris that
interfered with satan's desire
to capture all human beings
demanding they be his go-
getters and bring more and 
more of their lying, cheating,
murdering, stealing, abusing,
discredited for evil's joy of
watching people suffer for
profits, these oppressive
immoral religious fanatics
demanding all surrender
themselves to his majesty
of corruption, not an invisible
savior but a malicious ego
maniac that goes into a fit of
anger if he doesn't get his
almighty way, for sins, saviors,
angels, murderous killers all
roll us further down the cliffs 
of despair for we know now
that we have passed our ability
to maintain a decent homelife
or a wonderful family as mother
nature brings a wrath not from
satan but from the destruction
of this once beautiful planet
now being destroyed for profit
and profit only these minds of
darkness and hate, for they take
homes, farms, if you are behind
on your paying them their just
greedy, vicious way, for our
wonderful oligarchs have
destroyed this planet for these
men and women of internal
madness that enjoy the destruction
of a once beautiful world, now
hate for anyone to interfere with
their demanding ability to make
money from the god awful demise
of planet earth for we know that
fires are spreading world wide,
temperatures are rising at a 
destructive pace and all the rich
can do is laugh at the deaths of
millions and party as if they own
this spec of dust that is ready to kill

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