Dandelions Close-up

Dandelions Close-up
Dandelions In Black And White

Tuesday, December 26, 2023

December 26, 2023

we desire fame
a means of escape

our dreams are never
the same, our instinct

demands we listen to
our future desires

being discarded for
your young days are 

empty, now what is left
is a low paying job

as a child one sees and
feels your own desires

and projects outward 
that you will be the

greatest guitarist of all
time, all will adore your

music as one picks up
his broom and starts

cleaning the dirty isles
making sure no one

will fall as you still some-
times dream of what if's

knowing now your duty is
retreating and one must let

go of your nature breaking
apart to bring forth in you

a truth that could have allowed 
you to break free from the words

spoken by the rich for all you are
now is a grown up without purpose

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