Dandelions Close-up

Dandelions Close-up
Dandelions In Black And White

Saturday, September 2, 2023

 September 2, 2023

listen to the church speak, double talk
asking for your hard earned money
just like the temple dwellers selling
their wares as our priests with stagnate
minds demand praise for what the 
church sells, it's parishioner's a bogus
drama with a climax of deceit for the
priest weighing your sins is also the 
one committing them, for we are the
money lenders paying them for their
blasphemy with our goodness of soul

do we proceed to give our souls to
another who berates us for our child
thoughts as they eye their next conquest, 
praise the lord for their lying presence
who are these facades of christ's glory
being killed for our sins using words
to manipulate us into believing in some-
one else rather than ourselves,

the created cowardly instincts that 
fighting for our souls is not a godly 
love, it is a hatred toward deeper
jealous anger, thoughts of despair
trying to understand your life free
from those of religious demands as
if they were the true gods of power
over innocent children, what do other
human beings demand from their
own lives, freedom of thought is 
opening our lives to be ourselves,
sinners that don't have our faith for 
our god is the beast of burden and these 
pastors of a dying faith, for they know
their lies, their crimes of damnation
we kneel before them, these earthly
gods, ego's of their damaged faith, waiting
in their awareness of themselves, their
sinning ways for the archbishop will
always be present to forgive them and
move them to a new parish for more
sinful cruelty as they pray to an invisible 
god for their acts of rape and torture they
know their god will forgive them in hell

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