Dandelions Close-up

Dandelions Close-up
Dandelions In Black And White

Monday, September 4, 2023

September 4, 2023

I doubt words spoken by the elites of crimes
always lying on how good these banks are doing
when we all know that sooner rather than later,
these con games will end and the wealthy will
get their cash out of these banks of criminal
minds while others will loose all their investing
in a spit second and what help is our wonderful
hypocrites, these so called bought and paid
politicians going to do for us in our hard earned 
low paying jobs, nothing, for they too are owned 
by the elites of greed and injustice, for we demand
that those under our thumb will always praise our
wealthy lives of money and more money, can I
get a halleluiah, for the rich have always owned
this planet which is now broken and deteriorating
simple because you robber barons are killing,
stealing, raping and praising those that you bought
to do your dirty work while the rest of this world
is on fire, with tornado's, hurricanes, flooding, 
storms of pure violence, while the culprits of the
1% now the 2% lie to the people stating they love
the people worldwide and all we are after each
and every day is power over those fearful of their
lives ending through mother natures anger, for 
these sociopaths are always seeking profits
from violent demands, for death will soon be your 
godless love without a resurrection of yourself

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