Dandelions Close-up

Dandelions Close-up
Dandelions In Black And White

Sunday, September 17, 2023

September 17, 2023

rejected lives incapable of surviving
hate, now a blessing, a force of evil

voices screaming their love evaporating
as this planet day by day, hour by hour

folds, collapses and is destroyed by the
egotistical men and women of wealth

destroying this planet for profit only,
who cares about the deaths of innocence

for the rich only think of themselves,
they ignore the screams and voice their

power over this planet of lies beings of
greed creating illusions of grandeur

while climate destruction of lives by
wars breaking apart our foundation of a

once beautiful landscape now we see 
them on fire and storms growing stronger

as the workers get stuck in dangerous
tornados, hurricanes, cyclones as homes,
buildings evaporate as we all begin to 
flutter and speak of a once beautiful

mother earth now being brutalized as 
trees fall, pollution grows as the north

and south poles warm up, as the oceans
rise, lakes turn into mud puddles as the

oligarchs enjoy their livelihood of taking,
breaking and raising food, gas and land
prices for these profiteers only think
of themselves and let everyone else suffer

in deadly circumstances of time ending with
the psychopaths, the hipsters of life's puzzles

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