Dandelions Close-up

Dandelions Close-up
Dandelions In Black And White

Tuesday, September 26, 2023

September 26, 2023

the instigated examination of doubt
as truth and truth washed and
cleaned and forgotten, aggression is 
the cleansing of inner turmoil, academia 
is the nose perched high on a dull skull
while receding tides always preparing
for another attack for in between time  
is pleasure gained and life extended

without the presence of potential ideas
riding you forward with unknown 
demands one begins to sense the
illusion of time's motion never fully
rewarding for our lives are single
stationary steady perceptions of
an illusive thought, the movement
of our mind and our supposed truth

invents itself with stubborn demands
inside your physical presence
aggression a necessary formula of
someone's truth, jealous of others
saintly nature, aggravated at the lies
truth, for we are exploited, we are
diminished in our words and our 
voices quiet soon to be silent at

the variations of possibilities
without accepting any voice that
claims his words are told through
faith as these priests of false
wisdom seek power over youth,
adults and those on their death
beds giving their homes to the
vatican for god needs us to give

and give so the wealth will be at 
ease taking more and more of
people's lives struggling to survive

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