Dandelions Close-up

Dandelions Close-up
Dandelions In Black And White

Thursday, August 31, 2023

August 31, 2023

the possible ideas when young
now lost in the haze of growing
older without a firm understanding
of what is now lost, as one loses
his/her ability to take what you
thought was yours when young
moving forward with your individuality
your insight into a reality now

abandoned as one is forced to work
in jobs with no future, low pay and
hateful people in your same boat
which makes working with these
corrupt excuses, why you feel lessened
in your aging from your young ideas
seeking once again your original 
thoughts about an inner revelation of

ideas ready to be heard and made
beyond those that have no future,
no openness to feel their inner
mind's needs to express ones own

personal thoughts, now there is no
openness you feel you are fighting with
words with no depth as the rich realized
centuries ago that they are the chosen
ones for what is an ideal to work towards
not just repeated words, sentences that 
break apart ones longing for truth

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