Dandelions Close-up

Dandelions Close-up
Dandelions In Black And White

Sunday, March 26, 2023

March 26, 2023

this murderous climate, mother natures
retribution for all the exploitation of its 
beauty after the garden of eden was abandoned

which caused an undermining of this planets
natural beauty by destroying the land, the air
and the people that went along with the lies
that this planet was invincible, we are sucked 
into a disastrous quagmire of the wealthy
looking to rape this planet for profit only,
these men and women of greed turned their
backs on the destruction they created by
making vast sums of money was their joy

their systematic dissection of life on this planet 
by destroying animals, polluting rivers,
oceans, lakes and poisonous water in homes

for opulence was and is their goal from the
beginning of man's rise to their coming defeat
for these ego maniacs have no morals or

ethics, all they demand is profits over humanity
and profits over keeping mother earth's beauty,
these evil minds, they have no feelings only

an addiction to power, what these criminal 
minds demand is loyalty of the government they
made for themselves all over the world to do 
the easy way, to dominate people, their yes men 
and women from these governments that enjoy
stealing money from the hard workers on the
border of poverty, billions being funneled into
off shore accounts and even then they want more
turmoil, more profits to give their souls the feeling
of everlasting power and more power world
wide, since the beginning of adam and eve
force has always been the god they worship


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