September 30, 2023
stillness, thoughts beginning to subside
letting go of the false words of propaganda
each of us have choices to make bringing
forth a means for those that feel left
behind, betrayed, we know the priest raises
the body of christ and then the blood of
our savior left to be just another god asking
father to come down to his creation
mother earth and raise him up to our
beautiful awakening in a vast universe
of impulsive revelations, each of us see the
world differently with complexity
for each realization forces one to open their
eyes to the evil that breaks apart your
desperate reality, no longer soured by words
blindness for your truth brings us closer
to a final shedding of greedy delusions for
what we are is only human beings trying
to keep our minds alive with our truth of self
as one begins to see the revelation
of ones role in understanding those forces
seeking justice for those brutally killed