Dandelions Close-up

Dandelions Close-up
Dandelions In Black And White

Tuesday, August 22, 2023

August 22, 2023

the good times of children, always
outside running, laughing and
playing hide and seek, each new
adventure made us stronger
to explore our neighborhood and
making new friends, there is
nothing better being a child when
you have life's up and downs
but your inner circle, those that
have always been their to help
fight or even find another worthy
of friendship with those that are 
a lot like you, your childhood is
when you feel the seasons and
want to move deeper into fall,
then winter, enjoying mother
nature and her beauty as you
get older and begin your transition
to an older teen soon to be in
college and as your friends head
toward their schools of choice
you will always remember their
friendship with each other and will
always try to call or visit, for your
early life with those of beautiful
ideas always strong and determined
to reach their individual life goals

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