Dandelions Close-up

Dandelions Close-up
Dandelions In Black And White

Friday, August 11, 2023

August 11, 2023

when do we find our truth of being free
from the confinement of ones existence
through catholic schools that teach
redundancy of faith with a thick wooden 
paddle used to straighten out those that
have not accepted our lord, jesus, christ
and his apostles with words that are
arranged and put in bibles in order to move
the children, teens, young adults and
grown ups to praise an invisible master
that is silent without a means of
communication for all of us have been
conditioned to believe in a heaven and
hell accepting the fact that paradise
is only words in a book to placate the
population to wait until the god's raise
them up to a cloud for your hard money
which goes to the church of greedy
minds, the vatican is where people's
income, in our history, has always been 
stored, for the church is selfish, fighting
to see who will be the next god, our
pope when we know the falsehood of the
churches priests raping boys and girls 
then telling them it is god's way of
showing his sexual desires and then
finally a revelation that these ministers
of god's invisible work is a facade for
satan, our true god of evil hate as this
world dies as mother nature decides
enough is enough, lets begin again


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