Dandelions Close-up

Dandelions Close-up
Dandelions In Black And White

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

June 4, 2024

The New Moral, Anger, Hate and Delusions

dangerous insight into the conditioned mind
made us with someone else's demanding
nature, lies now remain cemented in the
controlling force of selfish desires as you


move up the ladder from being a yes man 
moving up to be a political yes sir skunk
betraying your district, promising them

better ways, better schools, better roads, 
better control of the polluted air, rivers,
oceans all a lying coverup of your true

bosses not your constituents, are you kidding,
your a slave to the 2% never demanding 
but a casual asking at a get together party

the oligarchs and the political thieves 
knowing there is no retreat for your life
now a servant for the elites, the powerful

men and women without a moral character
and without an ounce of ethics in their
shallow hypocritical barren minds for all the

politician demands is a semi-power over the
state politicians and the president, vice
president and his cabinet, all suckers for

money doing what the rich wealth deems
important for their survival in a world 
breaking apart by a climate explosion

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