Dandelions Close-up

Dandelions Close-up
Dandelions In Black And White

Monday, June 3, 2024

June 3, 2024

The Assembly Of Facts

what use is a closed mind, one that
sees in narrow space, feels nothing
toward a person being beaten because
of his/her skin color, our indoctrination


into a society of anxiety riddled with
human anticipation of a catastrophic
collapse of our corrupt leaders that
aren't beholding to the people they


represent but to the lords of criminal
enterprises they know and respect,
close your eyes, darkness falls, a false
hope raises his ugly head, catches your


eye to follow in someone else's foot prints
that release you into the world, hundreds of 
millions, that love to have their status
raised and pictures taken for one is a 


hero, one assumes they are the reason
for the few to accept their provocative
income that allows them to be on a pedestal
above the frantic pace of going to work


one looks in a mirror and sees someone 
known to himself but can't bring the police
in to doing a number on the serial killer
only discover more is at hand for ego's


raise their flesh as they threw the body
over the cliff for one must not live fat on
the hog, when we have done our chores
and we feel slowing down as many faces


lurk in alley ways waiting for your day of
reconciliation with your friends that
ignored you for years but now acknowledges
you to the inner workings of a criminal 
mind one that thinks first and kills openly


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