Dandelions Close-up

Dandelions Close-up
Dandelions In Black And White

Saturday, June 1, 2024

June 1, 2024

The Heart Demands Truth

the screams loudly possessed
the reasons given shadow lies,
falsehoods, power enjoys the
suffering of the working class

the fear in their faces, their
words always concerned about
money and more money is our
old god built around the power

of rulers expressing their greed
by sacrificing the people to their
powerful spirit, a god used to
getting his way, an angry god

a possessive god, a joyous god,
a loving god, a hateful god, a
ghostly god, a silent god, we are
prisoners of our own bodies born

in poverty and will die in poverty
not just the poor work wages but 
also of people fighting with people
used and discarded, fighting against

prejudice and hate of another skin
color, each day our lives become
more complicated and less friendly,
each hour passing is an awareness

of ones primal dreams to shed this
false witness, this physical body
and move outward abandoning 
intellect as the septic redundancy,

as more and more people seek the
perfect exposure, the significance
of ones beginning awareness as we
demand our lives back from the

greedy chains attached to our exterior
nature as we engage in our daily
routine, their jobs are still not enough
to keep food on the table, profits mount

for the criminal gods of business
revealing the few that control the
the many where profits are the 
golden egg and working for a living

is a quick decent into hell without a 
means of escape for your lives have 
been wrapped in discontent and you
realize that the rich are the devil's pride

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