Dandelions Close-up

Dandelions Close-up
Dandelions In Black And White

Tuesday, July 25, 2023

 July 25, 2023

one might be understood
a feeling of inconsequence
as one supposedly undermines
ones energetic role as a
distraction, yes you can and
will express something in
words vague notion without 
depth a shallow thought in 
menacing a sculptured body,
infinite universe as big as our
ego's demanding attention, a 
reckoning of ones aching fear,
one ready, out to grab a hand
that pulls away

we seek a relativity of time for
the past is our future and the
present our past, the same unity
is present in us, our existence
ordered and placed seeking 
redemption we twist on the 
priest's words in silent
contemplation as he listens to
your sins, 

all eyes upon you, as you leave
the confessional with your rosary
in your sweaty hands for public
worship is a ritual, an arrangement 
of a repetitive service a blessing 
of our godly eucharist

our time unified and accepted in
our physical existence silence now 
is anticipated, as dark thought
holds nothing worth speaking

we flaunt our necessary savage actions
demanding nature, we move through
our infinite space oblivious to the
content of our voices once praised
for now, a mind moving forward with
hope and purpose not lying dead
without action or a need to defend 
our souls being taken and put to rest

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