Dandelions Close-up

Dandelions Close-up
Dandelions In Black And White

Sunday, July 16, 2023

July 16, 2023

your mind play's games
when one has a stagnant 
mentality unwilling to bring
forth a series of mis-
representation of your 
future, thoughts beginning
to turn inward away from
the startling representation
of those that voice their
evil ways with pride, these
rich worded propaganda's,
these maniacs of wealth use
their bought and sold sheep
afraid to upset the powers
that own this planet and own 
these so called for the people
liars, the con men and women
of our congress and senate
for if you listen to their language
for their words are redundant on
and off it goes and segments of
the population believe in these
crooks of greed, of vice and 
robber barrens taking what they
demand is theirs and no one else's
for this planet is for us the rich, 
determined to destroy this planet
and all it's habitats for the these
humans belong to us the oligarchs
for our power to steal has been
here on this spec of dust without
a means to escape the true death
of all of us, so one must find 
their lot in life and own your 
means of moving upward in the
company of thieves and the
deadly belief that you are someone
with power and means to take
what we want when we want it

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