Dandelions Close-up

Dandelions Close-up
Dandelions In Black And White

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Out My Backdoor

October 9, 2011

One of my photo buddies was working down at the Grand Canyon as the Park Department's official photographer years ago.  He was in photo heaven.  One day he was sick and in bed and he looked out his window and he saw these wonderful cumulus clouds in a perfect blue sky.  Well, he forced himself to get up and set up his 4X5 and shoot them out his back door.  He took 2 frames and went back to bed.  As it often happens in stock photography those simple, easy images to make become best sellers and the cumulus cloud image he took was one of his all time big money makers.  I have always remembered that, it doesn't always have to be an elaborate set up shot that can make you money sometimes keeping it simple can do the trick.  I often now step out on to my back deck (at all times of the day) to take cloud images when they look good.  And sure enough some of these have sold.  Not huge amounts but enough to keep me shooting these subjects ever chance I get.

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