Dandelions Close-up

Dandelions Close-up
Dandelions In Black And White

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

June 11, 2024

wealth's performance instigating
corruption, the exploitation of the
masses, consequences meaning 
less for the rich for they have the
best lawyers to defeat any accusation
of criminal intent, their only competition
is the catholic church with their storage
in the Vatican, lets realize time taken
through the centuries of wars fought
for the church of wealth, the murdering
of human beings without a thought
towards feeling, for god's work is never
done and death is your ticket to a 
paradise without structure, just a figment
of your manipulation as you slip into
a comma and let go of your existence
and become a physical pressure alone
through force, will it be the almighty
power of human despair, forever alone

Monday, June 10, 2024

June 10, 2024

our thoughts are limitless without a
means of an external reality fitting
nicely with your visual creations but
unmoved from the storage in your mind

as walls rise and your dreams fade
without consequence as you retreat
from your excitement of a truth that
could have changed this destructive

reality that has been in place thousands
of years before our polluted futures as
mother earth takes its revenge not only
on the crooks that put profits over global

hunger but the people that new action
was needed but silence dominated with
fear of the people to expose the greedy
tyrants that destroyed this life for profit

Sunday, June 9, 2024

June 9, 2024

Prayers Foolish Needs Answered With Silence

the body not strong enough now
as one ages without a signal alert,
an awareness of ones inability to 
except an opinion unfaithful to your
expression of a fateful circumstance
that leads beyond hope for once time
assumes it's deliberate need to hold
back the aggressive accomplice that
merges with your inevitable response
to a deliberate regulation of ones
purpose without a net to catch one
that closes his eyes to the carnage
beginning to blossom as I move slowly
without fanfare without a parade
that demands unity of thought as the
people move as one without a firm
necessary belief that the way to 
morality through the selfishness of
others looking to hold you back as 
you seek the voice always present
as one, casts a line into a slow moving
river as one jerks the fishing pole to
give to the fish a beginning to smell
dinner sinking under behind the 
expression that gives one hope that
one man could demand a lie stating
all are accounted for in this ugly reality

Thursday, June 6, 2024

June 6, 2024

listen to the words
spewing lies of

what we attach 
ourselves to is 
hidden without

meaning, just a set 
purpose to confuse
the populace to

believe in any 
propaganda that
fits your inner

mentality, hiding
from those that
have only one

demand and that is
called independence 
a cheap trick to

absorb your anger 
to seek blaming
other's for your

mis-steps, your
lack of being
prepared as one

loses his balance
and forgets his inner
truth, his reality

waiting to expand
their narrow madness,
a vision access to

this universe and
into a true realization
that fits their character

of darkness, your 
means of escape
taking innocence

without any approval,
only your mind senses
your end of lies

easily forgotten as
one moves inward to
find your reality exists


Wednesday, June 5, 2024

June 5, 2024

We Seek Only What We Have Been Taught To Envy

speaking to oneself without voicing your opinion
mouths do spread openly emphasizing ones ability
to represent a lesser degree of values each rises
to his only conclusion, the breaking apart a dream
once believed in now a loss of self purpose waiting
to long to act on your instinctive vision as friends
seem to hang on to every word you have spoken
what frivolous existence, we live when one was
called to act, seeking answers to man's invisible
self, hidden behind facades a glass easily broken 
seeking the stillness of breaths lost without a 
feeling of interest toward someone that left
after his revelation, not as a man but prayed as
a god already anticipating ones chance of an
early death without purpose yet welcoming the
brilliance of actions raising his eyes to his father
deeply satisfied with his loving caring purpose

June 5, 2024

The Flowers Dance In A Soft Breeze
Inviting The Bees to Feast In Their Pollen

we are our own ending, meaningless things
being present waiting for times simple
formula, a version of another speaking
loudly at a party of diligent souls getting
trunk to forget oneself being of no use to  
those that seek scams that will be a
detriment to those older folks with no 
concept of criminal malice giving their
money freely to the one that is smart,
believable, speaking in tongue without
acknowledging the very youth with
stamina to get their money away from
miner players and being led to the true
arena of deceit asking for forgiveness
from a silent god for dying is just that
an infinite silence, a bed time story 
abandoned just as your future was
beginning now, one can see the future and
realize that his wishes have evaporated
for money is the greed of wealth and
they will do all they can to take peoples
money and move on to the next addict

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

June 4, 2024

The New Moral, Anger, Hate and Delusions

dangerous insight into the conditioned mind
made us with someone else's demanding
nature, lies now remain cemented in the
controlling force of selfish desires as you


move up the ladder from being a yes man 
moving up to be a political yes sir skunk
betraying your district, promising them

better ways, better schools, better roads, 
better control of the polluted air, rivers,
oceans all a lying coverup of your true

bosses not your constituents, are you kidding,
your a slave to the 2% never demanding 
but a casual asking at a get together party

the oligarchs and the political thieves 
knowing there is no retreat for your life
now a servant for the elites, the powerful

men and women without a moral character
and without an ounce of ethics in their
shallow hypocritical barren minds for all the

politician demands is a semi-power over the
state politicians and the president, vice
president and his cabinet, all suckers for

money doing what the rich wealth deems
important for their survival in a world 
breaking apart by a climate explosion

Monday, June 3, 2024

June 3, 2024

The Assembly Of Facts

what use is a closed mind, one that
sees in narrow space, feels nothing
toward a person being beaten because
of his/her skin color, our indoctrination


into a society of anxiety riddled with
human anticipation of a catastrophic
collapse of our corrupt leaders that
aren't beholding to the people they


represent but to the lords of criminal
enterprises they know and respect,
close your eyes, darkness falls, a false
hope raises his ugly head, catches your


eye to follow in someone else's foot prints
that release you into the world, hundreds of 
millions, that love to have their status
raised and pictures taken for one is a 


hero, one assumes they are the reason
for the few to accept their provocative
income that allows them to be on a pedestal
above the frantic pace of going to work


one looks in a mirror and sees someone 
known to himself but can't bring the police
in to doing a number on the serial killer
only discover more is at hand for ego's


raise their flesh as they threw the body
over the cliff for one must not live fat on
the hog, when we have done our chores
and we feel slowing down as many faces


lurk in alley ways waiting for your day of
reconciliation with your friends that
ignored you for years but now acknowledges
you to the inner workings of a criminal 
mind one that thinks first and kills openly


June 3, 2024

Oh To Be Young Again

the doors must be locked
as one leaves the weightroom
to build muscles is a means
of glorious strength on a 
90 pound wrestler, skinny 
arms, legs, chest but you 
still have strength to make
the match worth it, a simplistic
desire not to be pinned

Sunday, June 2, 2024

June 2, 2024

Fear Drives Religion Into The Horror Of Death

excitement of dawn, a layer of clouds
brightly lit in a reddish orange, the
beauty in mother nature, a witness
to the revelation of ones hope for a
future expressing ones intuitive logic
understanding words dominant force
betrays truth with redundant propaganda
a conditioning of youth to cement in
their brains a solid weight of learned
memories dominating ones ability to
break free from the organized illusion
of truth where all is a manipulation of
your senses enticing objects that 
catch ones eyes as your external facade
is breaking apart showing you what's
behind a false curtain, for what you
recognize is mother earths destruction

Saturday, June 1, 2024

June 1, 2024

The Heart Demands Truth

the screams loudly possessed
the reasons given shadow lies,
falsehoods, power enjoys the
suffering of the working class

the fear in their faces, their
words always concerned about
money and more money is our
old god built around the power

of rulers expressing their greed
by sacrificing the people to their
powerful spirit, a god used to
getting his way, an angry god

a possessive god, a joyous god,
a loving god, a hateful god, a
ghostly god, a silent god, we are
prisoners of our own bodies born

in poverty and will die in poverty
not just the poor work wages but 
also of people fighting with people
used and discarded, fighting against

prejudice and hate of another skin
color, each day our lives become
more complicated and less friendly,
each hour passing is an awareness

of ones primal dreams to shed this
false witness, this physical body
and move outward abandoning 
intellect as the septic redundancy,

as more and more people seek the
perfect exposure, the significance
of ones beginning awareness as we
demand our lives back from the

greedy chains attached to our exterior
nature as we engage in our daily
routine, their jobs are still not enough
to keep food on the table, profits mount

for the criminal gods of business
revealing the few that control the
the many where profits are the 
golden egg and working for a living

is a quick decent into hell without a 
means of escape for your lives have 
been wrapped in discontent and you
realize that the rich are the devil's pride

June 1, 2024

The Aged Hand Begins To Tremble

blank ideas heat in a small room
a fan dispenses the concentration
of growing anger, just once a 
biblical revelation of ones inferior
mind and body forgiveness a word
used but rarely given, our silence
we need to blame someone else for
our deliberate extension of an 
external loss, for each step taken
we walk into infinity of space our
motion delivered in more concrete
structures of simplicity and a needy
for compatibility of a spirit to flower
outward in sky's forceful display
of eyes wide willing to see over
the false truths through their lies

Friday, May 31, 2024

 May 31, 2024

Nervous Uptight With Wings

decide right now this minute
each second an infinity of time
abandoned to redundant words
expressing stale, stagnant what
ifs each opening of yours eyes
gives one the vast universe to
study with growing awareness
of ones ability to become a 
unique perspective, a voice 
approaching others in friendly
spirit giving, seeking a unanimous
becoming of self without the
belligerent aggression of jealous hope

May 31, 2024

idols are everything you
set out to become in your
youthful dreams, inner 

being imitating those 
actors that are known,
worshipped as angels of

of pure energy giving
themselves to an audience
of believers, everything

revolves around fame and
fortune, we seek godlike
reverence to those that are

pure of heart, voices as 
perfect in pitch, setting a
reason to be alert when

a strangers voice breaks 
through your focused attention
on a famous face moving back

and forth with concepts of
future remains for this is our
hour of need, caught in the 

webbing of the holy ghost
as one signals his orchestrated
escape as all heads turned away

May 31, 2024

Politicians Bought

this garden of eden is without hope
for even now the corporate greed 
remains and won't stop the destruction

of our planet, they have no morals
these billionaires want to experience
outer space before their business

flounders and is disrupted when oceans 
rise, temperatures rise, tornadoes
increase in power, hurricanes become

monsters of revenge for their is no 
stopping the sociopaths that focus
on one thing and only one thing

even more than their children and 
then wives, the parents and that 
addiction is for money and more

more money, silent and manmade breeds
those a-moral monsters of aggressive
power for life is nothing more than

chance, luck or violence, a connection
through a friend you learned the inner
city, the trade of violent actions and now

in business the same powerful force of
your intention to become the wealthiest
man in this poor world for you were

given the key to this far, far away universe
and your desires are bought, your parties
are a reminder of your position in high society

and all that matters in this beleaguered world
is faith, a faith in yourself that anyone
interferes with your profits will experience 

the bloody hand of god for business is not
for sissies but a man doing what it takes to
maintain a hold on the politicians bought 
and sold and your employes trained to obey