March 28, 2024
the words meaningless
without content, why help
others for in this new illusion
of wealth as our saviors is
compulsive fear that only
those of money can help
us become addicts of selfish
anger, how dare anyone
undermining my stature as a
groomed yes man, a sly facade
of positivity and praised our
elites of murderous content
for brown nosing human
animals of egotistical demands,
these antagonistic immoral
vultures always looking for a
good scam to cash in on
someone else's lively hood for
we the oligarchs of mental
illness dreaming of a world
owned and run by those of
greed and mental power seeking
praise not for the suckers
working their lives away but
those smooth talking politicians
demanding we give all our money
to those of pure wealth, our old
gods of aggressive addiction
that puts up an illusion of caring
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