Dandelions Close-up

Dandelions Close-up
Dandelions In Black And White

Monday, March 25, 2024

March 25, 2024

Hesse, "Formal tasks within the codes
of thoughts you have learned,"

experiencing an over whelming anxiety,
the horror of accepted consequences
from actions deemed fruitless for the 
rich see only in the eyes of profiteering
from the sacrifice of innocence, this
plague of money interests and the sour
smell of ones redundant voice, criticizing
demanding evasion, silence at the
monstrosity of actions destroying lives to
satisfy wall street and the criminal minds
that parade around high fiving each other
after another business gains power by
selling of pieces of a good company they
took over to destroy for fun and cash so 
they can move on to the next high priced
scams destroying peoples income and life

fatigue in his thoughts, his purpose found, 
yet being human, a physical body it needs
movement thought and intuition, prayers,
sacred words that speak a new language
of words that enter hearts and turn them 
cold and above the masses of the forlorn
ones seeking a place to live without fear
of evil spreading over this tiny planet soon
to perish in the war of nuclear waste,

their intuitive reasoning for they have 
broken the bonds of the intellects redundant
nature, the lies streaming outward

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