March 31, 2024
A Paradise Of Incompetence
the hand of god lifting one
up to the only heaven we
believe in, a paradise of
incompetence and make
believe, words we learned
in catholic schools bowing
our heads in prayer and
being sent to the principles
office to get punished for
childhood actions as our
lives at first changed slowly
until we knew there was no
after life, our holy father an
illusion of man kinds belief
that we are all in a sitcom
playing roles that give us
power over others and we
feel our inner demands and
our need to take other lives,
their money for our select
group of powerful greed and
murderous profits is our only
means of belief created in a
paper god in a book centuries
ago that became meaningless
as we transitioned into selfish,
focused manipulations of this
earthly illusion now broken apart