Dandelions Close-up

Dandelions Close-up
Dandelions In Black And White

Friday, May 26, 2023

May 26, 2023

Religion doesn't make you a good
person, it can't elevate your mind
above the masses, no one can free
the gravitational pull of physical
doubt, religion controls your avarice
ways which brings you to a semblance
of niceties but their is always an 
underlining question that muddles
your inner demands and creates for
those around you a maddening glimmer
of obsessive control that puts you so
above the fools of vicious power that
believe in god's hands and not your
own, the bible always by their side, 
you left your eyes closed for jesus
was just a man dying for our sins of
greed and hate as smog, tornados, 
hurricanes, floods, vicious rains, 
wars, murdering of innocence, all 
for profits and nothing more, as we
lose ourselves in the blessing of the
church as the father guides his 
congregation to their wooden seats
your smile is not warm or taken as
a smirk, the parishioners know your
aggressive nature, a stance of your
childhood being used by teachers 
and priests high up the chain of 
power over children raped for their
pleasure, amen a prayer is used to
cleanse them of their evil, you are
ignored in a comfortable manner as
you move back to the waiting room
for your time will soon come to collect
coins and dollars in a basket from
people that believe they have morals
and ethics but in truth they have an
internal clock that demands god's
perfect self-giving to the church their
hard earned work for in this reality
we have been chosen to enter in
your solemn truth that human beings 
are animals just like any other creature
on this planet sharing with others 
your unimaginably belief in god's 
power of forgiveness and priest 
blessing with an angry outburst with
the threat of hell and your obsessive
privilege of knowing you are one of
the chosen few to bring death to this
planet with a blessing from evil, amen!


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