Dandelions Close-up

Dandelions Close-up
Dandelions In Black And White

Thursday, October 24, 2019

October 24, 2019

Oh, the mind bending control social media has over our individuality and our decision making. 

We all know our lives are being overrun by technology. This pervasive assimilation of our likes and dislikes, our buying patterns, our written words, our pictures, our lives are constantly under the scrutiny of social media and the corporate mindset of manipulation to gather information from our posts and then use our personal history, that they gathered from us, and then turn around and bombard us with ads to sell their products to us. But more than that to post lies by the politicians in order to get paid by the hooligans running for public office and to undermine our democracy. God damn the criminals now in power. These worldwide oligarchs have only one goal profits on the backs of human beings. If wars are necessary so be it, they are all in on the manipulation of truth and the total disregard of this world and its inhabitants. Why should they care, they are upper 1% and their values lie in making profits from the little people they exploit.

Picture taking used to be mainly for family albums, relatives, family get togethers, friends, a documentation of their faces, clothes, kids growing up, parties, birthdays, holidays and time spent enjoying each others company. These images are snap shots that become instant hits when you got back together with your family, and friends. 

These images now are no longer private moments but paraded out on social media for thousands, millions of people to look at and make comments on. 

What is it about human nature that demands we use our fixation of being seen on a small screen as some sort of people’s magazine? Where we see ourselves as a star to be noticed, heard, praised and made a fool of by uploading more and more personal information and pictures just for a few more likes.  

We have entered a new realm of reality where nothing is sacred or private and we join the throng of gullible needy humans looking for more in our own lives and we think giving info to multi billionaires is the way to get attention. It is a way of being taken advantage of, period.

What you are from birth to now has been a mirage of psychic turmoil. Social media will not help you. What will help is you backing off the wild ride of see me, hear me, be me mentality and regroup and find your inner self waiting to be discovered?

Is being someone else more important than being yourself. We live in a fairy tale of mis-information, lies and deceit and yet we still give away our personal information as if the ones collecting this info give a damn about you or your problems. All they want to do is sell, sell, sell you something by manipulating your inner personality you have offered them with your tweets. 

Seeking acknowledgement in anyway possible to justify our lives in today’s culture of the obsessive need to be seen and worshipped for being someone else and not our inner truth, we have become beings addicted to this non- stop distraction of meaningless information that is meant to bewilder, puzzle, perplex and twist the truth making us think there might be something there to believe in and to trust.  

We are being manipulated by the info we give these media giants and they use that info to spread lies and anger by tweeting misrepresentations right to your media account. Don’t be fooled this is a planned attack on the psychic of our nation, its people. Exploiting us with words that strike a cord of anger and hate. 

The only thing you need to believe in is yourself and not some outside force that dictates to you how to live your life and spew words of rage. Wake up, you are being molded into a creature without an original thought. A creature filled with constant hatred for anything you deem different from your self.

We know corporate media especially in the United States doesn’t give us any real information on all the catastrophes of war, climate, riots, murders, pollution hunger, migration of peoples, that is happening ever minute of every day. They want us kept in a selfish, needy buy, buy mentality while the rest of the world suffers under oligarchs that now rule this planet. Yes, the US has there oligarchs as well. The wealth that has accumulated in the upper echelon of power here in the US didn’t just happen without the manipulation of our government for the wealthy by the wealthy.  

This constant struggle the people of the US have to deal with everyday is deliberate and necessary for the criminals to maintain their power. Fear has always been used to quiet the crowds that gather to protest the wealthy’s greed and brutality. 

Their unwillingness to come down from their god like power and give back to the people what they have sacrificed their lives for, so their children could live a better life than they did. Is this still possible today? I don’t thing so. 

These men and women of duplicity have had only one mantra, more, more and more money without a blink of an eye as others suffer because of their monstrous addiction to greed.  

We can’t allow this erosion of our humanity, our
inner self, our inner truth knows this is not right, we need to be independent and focused in becoming our own personal truth, our own guide through the havoc of social media’s attempts at masking truth, playing to our emotions, our desire to believe in someone else’s words and not our own research, our own independent perspective. Thus becoming a dupe, ignorant of our nations truth, ignoring your first duty in your aging life and that is to be yourself as a free person, a self aware individual making his way towards his visual artistic goals and trying to raise yourself above this polluted world of hypocrites and con-men that have made it into every corporate board room and into every possible position of power in governments all around this dying planet.

We seem to like being herded cattle, addicted to  media that uses our information to send us ads to buy and buy no matter the consequences just for the excitement of a few likes. 

But one thing is for sure if you allow the distractions from truth, the lies of avarice, and the manipulations of our lives through organized crime then we will be a lost people, nomads in a life trying to survive in this world of greed and rampaging evil. 

For to be an independent individual you don’t need to demean yourself by the mindless chatter that is social media. Why distract yourself from your goals by taking a rutted side road to nowhere!

Inner perception, knowing yourself, is your only means to fulfill your dreams and feel you have accomplished your goals, not through an external force of meaningless jabber bombarding you with voices living in fear, loneliness and aggression, demanding their share of being present in your mind even if it is only a split second of your attention. 

You are worth more than just sitting wasting your time looking at a screen that demands your attention all the time and through this mental manipulation you lose sight of your goals and where you wanted to be in your life, one, two years down the road after graduation. Somehow your life’s journey got side tracked by technologies main purpose, an addictive drug, a duplicity of intent undermining your ability to think for yourself and become your true purpose. 

Belief in there lies undermines our democracy!

Social media lowers our standards of truth and respect for others and through social media we are taken from our inner journey of becoming our unique voice being forced to listen to the frenzy of fake news, fake purpose, fake lives trying to take from you your future!

Social media is an addiction, the willingness to take snap shots of our lives without being focused on our own true personal journey but it seems that that is not enough, we must have recognition by others lies and by a simple click you feel wonderful that someone liked your post, and we are off and running and will do anything to get more likes.

Like yourself first and the rest will occur naturally.

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