Dandelions Close-up

Dandelions Close-up
Dandelions In Black And White

Friday, October 25, 2019

October 24, 2019

Do you feel a little iffy today that something isn’t right.  You're feeling a little down, a little nervous about life and angry toward the people that are ignorant of your conditioned beliefs and cliche responses to everything that you believe in. Don’t worry just ignore the truth of their criminality blossoming all over this dying planet as the wealthy run rampant, ravage and take all they can before the collapse of our civilization.  

Where to begin, the beginning accepts the hurdles one must jump to express your inner thoughts.  Closed minds will always reject the true preposterous nature of words. Seek your own words to define yourself, walk in your own shoes. Not someone else’s footprints spewing a mouth full of hate and arguing for others to be hurt and condemned.  

Divide and conquer is their game plan. Propaganda from the elite to sway your thinking backward in time, hating others for their differences when if you looked hard enough you would see that they are human beings just like you, afraid of the coming storm of climate change that they are experiencing now and the mass corruption of governments at the expense of the people. That is their plan, getting us to fight amongst ourselves and in these created distractions of hate while they pass laws that benefit themselves, giving them more and more profits and power. Why should they worry about families starving, that isn’t their problem it is your problem, for they live above the ugliness of life and exploit those that can’t fight back? That is just good business practice.

We seem to like being shadow people hiding from the truth. We seek words that were ingrained in our consciousness from birth and solidified in our minds as we grew up stagnated in our ability to find truth away from the structure of our lifestyle and friends that reinforced the hatred toward change and people different from our propaganda of misinformation. 

The funny thing is that they never seemed to realize that the change was going on with them or without them and the wealthy used stereotypes and word manipulations to cement in your mind racists and selfish behavior toward other human beings. While the rich made a script and you fell for it, hook, line and sinker believing in someone else’s false ideology.

Yes, the people must be accountable for their actions but also the wealthy.  Why do they get a free ride when they are the very definition of corruption? Where are the wealthy’s moral foundation? I guess if you look at the profits they keep making and the laws that give them less and less taxes to pay then they have no responsibility to the people of the United States where they made their abhorrent wealth off its citizens.

The manipulation of our psyche, we read the words internalizing their additive nature. Someone speaks the words and it triggers a subconscious reaction, an instinctive need for anger and hate at the subject of the words spoken. 

We have been conditioned in our mind since birth, then grade school, through high school, through college to think a certain way and to react like Pavlov dog to certain words that instill in us hate and fear.

These words are like matches that excite your nervous system and make you automatically project outward an attitude of contempt for people, places and things. 

We fear change in our outer existence and change in our inner world. It is easier to repeat what you have heard than to look deeper into the reason why one assumes a negative stance when certain words are spoken and read.

The world isn’t going mad!  You are being conditioned to react a certain way that has been comfortable for you because you don’t have to think about the alternative. You don’t have to look deeper into your feelings and try and understand why you feel this way toward others. 

You fear that maybe you have been wrong as your intuition is beginning to break through your facade of false truth and it is piecing together how and why you react this way toward anything that is different from your perceived world of conformity.

We all experience those moments of revelation. We can ignore them or we can embrace the truth of our racism. We can choose to break free from the influence of the puppeteers that rule over our consciousness through their racist propaganda.

On social media these charlatans of hate know the words to use that will incite in the viewer of their post an automatic reaction, a response you have given before with likes and dislikes and because of your choices on the social media site you receive more propaganda of hate speech without you even knowing the influence they are having on you behavior and your common sense.

You react to these posts in stereotypical manner, hot under the collar because of the lying words specifically written to incite in you hatred toward another human being without evidence, just lying words written by the perpetuator of falsehoods knowing they will get you aroused, angry at your life being over run by non-americans.  All this in order to have people fight amongst themselves while the true crimes are done in the daylight of laws past that infringe on the rights of everyone. 

Ultimately you are fighting a battle against others that have no intent to fight or harm anyone but just looking for a life for their family where they can be free of violence. 

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