Dandelions Close-up

Dandelions Close-up
Dandelions In Black And White

Monday, December 24, 2018

December 24, 2018

Content is needed, content is demanded! It really doesn't matter what the content is, it could be a post-it-note on a refrigerator and that could end up being highly wanted by the ego's of physical space. 

Social media craves anything visual, anybody willing to become the idiot of the day, to do something outrageous, to feed the obsessive minds demanding their fix of stupidity. 

The worst outcome for social media would be that the intelligent human species realizes the nonsense and perverted declarations on social media for what it is, misdirection. As we spend more time ignoring our fellow man and spend endless hours on social media we begin the fruitless lives of avarice and addiction to a small stimulus of visual nonsense on a screen that takes you away from the your present moments that are moving beyond us and are missed forever. 

Your creative spirit lessens each moment you don't see with your own eyes and express your own mindful thoughts to counteract the preponderance of nonsense demeaning our lives and creating barriers of empathy for humankind.

This allows us quick moments of deception that dulls the senses to the real perceptions you could be experiencing live and first hand every second of your individual life.  Each moment is a blessing of experience. 

As we succumb to the visual stimulus present every second of the day we lose sight of our personal power to change and move away from trends of control for material gain.

We are herded creatures that have been baited, hook, line and sinker to a fantasy of information that has no baring on our future and on your intuitive expressions. These milliseconds of info do nothing in building a better society and a better life for human beings. There is nothing social about social media, it is access for the advertisers to see a trend and then exploit that trend for selling products, pure and simple!  

Content is needed but content of a foundation of personal relevance. An opinion in photographic form expressing oneself to the world in an intuitive response to your inner visual perceptions without the need to shape the experience of others but to reveal a part of yourself to the world overburdened with deceptive presentations of false existence.

Your inner life is where you must nurture your potential of revelations, your creativity is always present if you fight through your dependency on facts rather than an instinctive knowing. A feeling of sight that demands your focus and your entire being to be present and ready for the visual impression to form. 

To answer why you are here is nonsensical when taken out of context.  Why you are here, is to discover your inner being, your true self and the potential that exists in all of us to create our vision of ourselves externalized for all to see. 

Fear plays such a role in confining our lives to a ritual of controlling repetitions. A constant fear to be seen as different and unique, a separate individual with an inner consciousness ready to be seen and heard!  

To step out of line will draw attention to us and we are convinced that we would be ostracized and set adrift in a chaotic universe alone without a structured material facade directing us toward someone else's goals.

To be picked out of the crowd, to have the spotlight just on you shames us as egotistical and not your talent inherent in your true inner being showing through.

To not step out of line and be seen as different from others is the true foundation of human beings demand for conformity.  

Our intuition allows us to break free from the inherent chains of the intellects demands of conformity. But it takes a will to become yourself, that is demanded.

Intuition allows us to see beyond the surface reflections of the physical reality, to dig deeper towards our true understanding of ourselves waiting to be discovered through our unique vision beyond material distractions. 

For without digging deeper into the imaginary facade, figuring out the character of the individual that created the photograph one is left with an abstraction that is ultimately meaningless for us to see any truth in its creation or its purpose.

As human beings we are being controlled by words that limit our understanding, an over saturation of meaningless created facts, distracting our intellect to hide in redundancy of reactions  intertwined amongst horrendous casualties in the ongoing destruction of nature.

Self indulgence is not authentic. A selfie is not authentic. It is a performance. A grab shot from the hip is not authentic it is a lucky coincidence if in fact the image taker created an image of substance, a truth witnessed but without empathy and understanding.

Authenticity is being your self, it is the purpose of the image and the photographer needs to be aware of the illusion that can be created and undermine the necessity of focus in this world of fake insights into ones potential revelations. All you need for creating unique images is through a silent willful purpose to create your internal presence.

When ad men begin talking about the authentic, they are talking about the new trends in cultural evolution, that they have manipulated to sell products. This does not translate into the authentic. It is only a series of images depicting the trends now in vogue and the look is accepted as real because it reflects the norms of today's cultural bias. 

Once youth move on to something new then those dated images are not authentic but nostalgic and thus not real for their main focus of image creation is sales. Advertisers don't have a clue to authenticity. They are looking to create an impulse in the shopper to buy, so the product becomes a need to own and they use cultural fashion artifacts to sell their products. They are spreading out a wide net in abstract visual concepts to sell material products.
A visual stimulus is necessary to give the illusion of acceptance in a market place where to be seen is truth.  

If we settle for an intellect that domineers our inner perceptions then we will be accepted in society as normal. But move a little to the left or to the right and you can be labeled as blasphemy, a heathen that rejects the correct rules of society to follow not lead, that have been created to maintain wealth and leisure activities for the upper classes and for the rest of us as worker ants striving to survive on a daily basis. 

For me authenticity is a purposeful image created without a need to follow fads and it is felt deeply by the image creator, so deeply in fact that he didn't have a choice but to create it. Nothing more and nothing less.

Friday, November 23, 2018

November 23, 2018

We seek ourselves objectified. We want to become in life a symbol of our interior nature so others can see our true being. But as we know this is an impossibility. Our true being is always transforming with the day to day, minute by minute sights and sounds of our shared reality. But more importantly with acknowledging our inner landscape, we can explore our unique perspective on the flowing atoms of existence.

To show who you think you are action is required. You are not a fad, a smile, a haircut etc... You are an intuitive being seeking to externalize your inner sight. Conflict between your inner self and outer physical history is just that, your inner, true intuitive self fighting with the structured existence of a world in the stranglehold of consumerism, a new capitalism which demands their dispassionate profit, taking from the herded consumer their individuality forcing them into roles of conformity.  In this way the masses are easier led to the their feeding trough of material space. 

We are easily led by fads and copycat moods of behavior allowing our heard instinct to dictate to us who we really are not. We are not here in life to copycat others. We are here to express our own dynamic inner being. And in this expressing of our inner perspective we find our individual uniqueness and are not easily shaded by imitations of glamorous success.

Social media has allowed us to transition from personal to social in an increasing intrusive environment. We are addicted to the anticipation, the excitement of our being viewed in an analogous way. We can present a facade to our followers and then become a transitional personality that is not us but driven by the absolute need to be wanted and liked through view counts. To be accepted is the god of social media. We don't receive this acknowledgement in our physical externality. Our facade is just another human being lost in the anthills underground structure, alone and unnoticed.  But once we have the ability to present ourselves anonymously to eyes longing like ours to be seen and heard then we have a means and a platform to become what ever they want, good or bad. 

Inner life taken away in the belief of exterior happiness.  The facades we build to impress the theater of greedy eyes is not becoming but a betrayal of your unique vision. Listen to your inner turmoil. Begin the unravelling of the structured existence you were raised in. Your doubts are a created necessity of conformity. Your life is now a narrowing of possibilities. Standing alone one feels the desperate need for inclusion. We bend to the need to be accepted. We leave a life of our truth for the safety of imitation.

Image creation of a person can define him for all his life and beyond in a certain light and because of the finality of the image created the subject in the photo is seen forever as the true individual representation of his nature, his existence is now defined and locked in by a simple snap shot of a split second moment unrelated to his future progress. We don't see in this temporary moment any depth of character but a charade a pose a playful act of a want to be. But not the person's true self his/her inner character.

They only describe us in a millisecond of time, in a space given to us by our physical presence and it represents nothing but a moment, an action, a mood that will soon pass. It doesn't represent something authentic, a defining moment of ones life but a moment captured that will never happen again, like the photo and in this it is a mere split second reality that now becomes postulated as a real revelation of your inner self. 

Your internal self is known only by you. And to express it it will take an effort of deep thoughts that can give you a passion for your calling and the knowledge that your images are unique only to you and no one else.  These images are your way of externalizing your inner world.  

And to express your true self it will take a herculean effort to focus your intuition in your being and allow your inner world to be presented to an outer hurricane of motives, distractions and power over your mental makeup. 

To become yourself you must fight through the avarice, the enticements to move to a more complacent nature and be instituted by labels as just another worker and never to thrive on your own originality, your individuality. 

To become your truth you must focus through the trillions of distractions overwhelming our senses and in mental determination find your inner spark and grasp it and develop it and become what you were born to be.

Can we ultimately know ourselves in perfect harmony?  I don't know. But we must journey to our core intuitions and become a unique living part of this infinite universe.

The reality we are in on this earth is never the same moment to moment. 

Change is the continuous revelation of self.  We are in constant flux and constant ignorance to our true powers of perception. We must still these moments with intuitive force to find our truth in a mirage of an other's dominating demands.

We are trapped in sensory charades not of our making. To create our own unique self is the ultimate victory over the dribble of  imitating fads of their controlling structured illusions.

Saturday, October 20, 2018

October 20, 2018

James Agee, "They have begun with the massive yet delicate beauty of most things which are turned out most cheaply in great tribes by machines: and on this basis of structure they are changed into images and marvels of nature." From his great work, "Let Us Now Praise Famous Men,' with another great man, photographer, Walker Evans.

Physical space is only an object present in our outer vision. Without objects that create distance between themselves physical space doesn't exist. We are obviously distracted by our vision in spacial distance. We react instinctively in a visionary conquest. To identify our hunted object we immediately want to know is it alive and dangerous or is it benign and complacent to our authority.  

Some photographers see the world through conquest. Getting the image at any cost. Whether it is a street scene, a landscape or portrait, they are on the attack and the culprit of this intense aggression of shooting is ego.  

We have become visual animals and as animals we are always looking for our prey. It is less bloody sometimes with a camera than a gun.

We have had many great street photographers that got addicted to the pursuit of human prey, an intense need to capture moments in passing time, as if they were stopping the advent of age and dissolving the mysteries of eternal life. What they forgot to take into account is that life as we know it, is time. That time is the illusion of progress. That time is the fruit we all want to pick. Time is the golden fleece we must capture. Times truth is an illusion just as image creation is an illusion. Time never stops and has no desire to be exploited by instances of shutters being pressed as if these creations mean anything but a simple memory of a future never lived. These frozen moments express the futility of progress, the futility of living your own life. We are all fragments of others picture of us and we are labeled by that as their reality. We are better than that. We are unique individuals and we can live a life in transformations.

We have become addicted to stopping our aging process knowing the dark oblivion that waits to capture us in it's dark sights.

Physicality is the breakage of inner consistency. It is the drama that increases our desirers need for more, as we try and move through our unique perspective. Physical life is a weight hard to bare and it is an isolating loneliness of perception. Time is anonymous, its pleasure is accumulating physical artifacts of who we are not.

The mental makeup of a photographer is one of capturing the elusive moment of perception. Each perception is unique and original if one really decides to stop their internal motion forward and perceive the structure of time stop as you bring your absolute focus into this plane of existence and unravel the scene before you as you would a jigsaw puzzle. Your unique scene is for your eyes only. 

Intuition plays a big part in making imagery. We can get caught up in the surface reflections, the glitter of imposters distracting you from your inner vision. 

To create good imagery you have to be yourself. You have to dig deep within you to bring forth to the surface your inner faith in your present reality. Yes, your reality will change and you will have ups and downs as your life's illusive nature precedes but if you stay on course to what brings you visual happiness, you will not be accepted by the anonymous masses but by what you created that relates to human beings following their own individual paths.  Your path can crisscross other paths and give inspiration to other beings trying to find their way in this over saturated industry of greed, and accumulation of the almighty dollar.

The illusion of wealth is a physical promenade of surface expression. It is shallow and its behavior is destructive not only to the people trying to represent themselves as gods of avarice but to society as a whole becoming addicted to being seen and liked for 
the imposter, the glory of a structured facade.

What kind of example is this for children to be given social media devices at an early age. To have them retreat from experiencing the activities of play in the external world for play in a device, a life of technology, instant visual nonsense. This play demeans the purpose of growing up and it also creates a shallowness of expression with a brain enamored with the lights of illusions and not the joy of the natural wonder of creation which eventually becomes their creations of unique purpose.  

Their brains now becoming in tune to the quick acceptance of information not the in depth truth of their own inner vision. With hooks in their minds eye these kids can only break free when they get older and finding their lives are not integrated into a community of thoughtful interaction but an online experience of overwhelming meaningless exaggerations.

Frailty of inner life. To be oneself at all costs creates a distance from the known universe. It takes courage and determination to break free from the controlling thoughts of propaganda and reach beyond the cliched life of the wealthy and become your vision, your independent being in creation.

Your photography skills should have nothing to do with adding more snap shots to the tsunami of images that are overwhelming our senses.

These images represent the carrot in front of the masses. By posting your images you can get the corporations to supply you with clothes and accessories to make the images of people look more authentic and modern.

We are not surface dwellers looking for the easy replicas of passing fads that continue to surface in order to get you to buy the latest and greatest equipment which they claim will to take your images to a new high. 

Any camera used in unison with your intuitive mind will create images of our internal struggle to free ourselves from the slavery of conformity.

With our visual understanding of what our inner aesthetic is trying to accomplish we see clearly the attempt of corporate media to corrupt the intuitive instincts of the photographer by praising and highlighting the shallow redundancy of copycat images populating text books as a means to represent the inner conformity of expression. We are not what we photograph, we are what we create in the photograph that will override the need to be someone else. 

We seem to demand conformity and repetition to the natural discovery of ourselves as different beings from each other and our voice is powerful when it has gained a truth represented by a creative force of natural selection. 

Taking pictures is dulling the intuitive mind, allowing the intellect to drive us further from our unique vision. If we abandoned personal expression and follow the leaders calling to imitate a life not your own then you will become a mass herd of barbarians at the gate of futility.

Images lie, and the more people take snap shots the better chance of our senses being overloaded with false identities of so called truthful representations. It is so easy to exaggerate or diminish the subjects in the picture.

It is not that those subjects weren't present in the frame when the photographer created the image. All the elements in the image are real in a sense and must be in order to project its authenticity to the millions of eyes drooling for more drama, happiness, mayhem etc....  

Images can't tell truth from the lies. An image relies on the photographer's integrity to explain the image in a caption so the viewing public can trust that this image wasn't a false representation of the truth.

What the viewer doesn't know is what took place prior to and after the click of the shutter. The truth in the image has to be felt and understood before one can accept the image as a piece of a real event snatched out of context and presented to the public as real.

We make images now to copy something we saw on social media. The same thing happens when we go to an historical monument and to cities around the world. We saw the travel brochure that defined our intellects purpose so we too have come to take pictures of that narrow perspective.  

An image's truth is not acceptable if it varies and waggles something that breaks free from the mind of conformity, that has already judged the scene with a preformed projection of a belief system structured in intellectual irons.

Your personal vision will not be understood by the masses. There will always be critics of your work but you must have your images speak your visual language that you worked hard to create in order for you to have your truth spoken for your efforts.

Sunday, September 30, 2018

We are bred to understand time as being present and past and never will their accumulation give you any insight into your progression forward in your individual future time line.  Yes, you make plans, you go to school, you find a partner you obtain knowledge of your exterior purpose.  

A purpose that is limiting your present state of consciousness because it is not apparent how you decided on your future life through the classes and friends you made.  When you were young the world was wide open. Your thoughts roamed the universe as you tried on all the different costumes of personality and freedom to experiment with all the outside forces of nature.  

Then as if on a time schedule you were faced with making a living.  Isn’t that an unnatural way of looking at the infinite choices you can make but not out of inner purpose, excited about the new world you want to create for yourself and family.  

No, the future is laid down in a structured cemented road that demands payment for your imaginative years, they believe wasted years, those years of excitement and folly, trial and errors until the moment of truth sets in by someone else's purpose that will now choose my future for me.  Giving me up to the machine of external control.  The great wheel of avarice, money and greed. 

The intellect seeking comfort in a created reality of equations, etiquette and controlled behavior.

You ask yourself how did you end up here when you wanted to be somewhere else as you progressed in a life dominated by exterior forces, based on fear, accumulating wealth and limiting avenues of choices to reach your goal.  

Which, I can guess was to make money and postpone your suspicion of a vision coalescing and then being separated from your instinctive will to create, so in your retirement years you will have enough to survive in calm quarters.  But yet, even in following the exterior pressures to conform to a stagnate life that doesn't represent your core perceptions you did it anyway out of pride, ego and fear.

These infinite worlds we succumb to enhance the wealth of a few but leave us wanting more in a desperate struggle to find the purpose of our youth, our true self's inner light.

The gift of intuition is the means of controlling your future path.  Focusing your mind and opening the revelation of your interior purpose, externalized in visual art.

Not all image creation can be an internal dialogue externalized.  We still have to survive in the realities created before our birth. We sometimes have to stumble along making a living until we perceive our gifts of creation and take the necessary forward steps to uncover our true creative talents.

As the rivers flow, your vision becomes the memory of the water's passing, stabilizing the movement of time to a perception of constant visual unity a consistent stability of perception with breaks in the line of sight each step we take toward our artistic expression is a continuity of our intuition, a duration studied and explored giving us insight into our life and possible others as well.

But is memory really a past or is it part of the present moments we are living now.  The only thing we don't see is the future coming at us in a mystical flight of fancy. We can't physically see the past but we can have our visual reenactment by studying our memories through photographs and deciding if these memories we created bring us to where we are today in our own originality or are they memories that define us in someone elses strict perceptions of their vision of reality ingrained in our mind through repetitious constraints of our freewill and original fears.

We are present in the photograph in some unnatural way.  A frozen moment that captures not our inner being but an outer facade that grins into the camera only to lose the expression of happiness once the shutter was clicked. 

The past flows into the present and leads us to our future.  Each moment of our lives is in flux and each thought we have shapes our present becoming a memory trail that can propel us into a future of recognition of our true talents. Or stifle our creativity by an immense pressure to conform to the dictates of society and their angered knowledge of the truth.  We are all  individual intuitive beings with a wealth of unique revelations.  If we fear change, any change, then you will be limiting yourself with a narrow reality of someone else's will.

Our memories are a necessary gage of how much of the past was ours to believe in or did we believe in someone elses words and structures dictating to us our present condition. We must unburden ourselves, release our repetitious thoughts that have up to now kept us in a locked room with redundant imitations of a life we thought was ours. Recognition of our past can become our impetus to change our future.

Vibration of cells create a fluidity of life in spacial time and in the mind.  We flow in motion itself which we use to intertwine ourselves with our nature.  Thus we can see motion from a infinite perspective of choice and the direct visual object is the constructed memories that allowed us to survive and be represented.

Allowing us a means to create an image from our inner conscious awareness in a revelation of our spiritual journey externalized.

Our future moments and are past moments are represented in our present moments, with us through our insightful durations, our focusing our intuitive consciousness past the frivolous repetitions of our daily existence to the deeper meaning and purpose of our image creation.  

We live in a natural accumulation of memories and they are our future materializing.  

Space is only a distance between objects, an infinite separation of time that we postulate as movement and thus see not infinity of statuesque physicality but movement in space, our lives unfolding.

Your vision is not the temptation to short circuit your intuitive forceful perspective but to open your vision to the details that encompass your framing of your subject
your vision externalized through image creation.
                              Tall Grass In Motion

Sunday, September 16, 2018

September 15, 2018

Photographs can define us as a nation and as a person.  They can reflect our true nature or a nature we want but can’t quite attain.  If you are looking outside yourself for your identity then you are looking in all the wrong places.  Your interior identity is created through the exterior forces that happened as you grew up and solidified those exterior prodding’s as your true self which in turn created your path of expression or stunted expression.

Photographs take from the subject something unfathomable but yet necessary in order to understand your private interior exposed in a photograph that doesn’t mean anything of itself but a fleeting moment passing as time acclimates our moments as bumps on a vast highway of bumps and passing lanes.  One of our greatest means of wealth we share with each other is our daily deposits of communicating with each other. Your path toward the big finale can stunt your intuitive expressions veering you away from your original thoughts and purpose.

Images can create a facade, a barrier between the inner self and the outer barrier we wear.  And in time this outer barrier begins to dominate our lives and we think we are in our purpose but in fact we are now living an exterior life without an intuitive mindful goal to express and to break free from your limiting views of change.  Your present self is in a state of confusion because of how the life path chosen was not the one you needed.  And now the life you are in is as a stranger to you and you are in inner turmoil for change, but how and what to change into?

Photographs can create a temporary history of us as we move through life and experience the eerie repetitions of actions that some up our relationships with those exterior personalities that can stifle our need for change and ignore nature's presence for instigating change. 

An ultimate change of vision is necessary for your revelation of your unique inner perspective. Who will know or believe your words and actions unless you express them with knowledge of who you are and what this fast paced concoction of life distracts and seizes you with.

We are present in the photograph in some unnatural way.  A frozen moment that captures not our inner being but an outer facade that grins into the camera only to lose the expression of happiness once the shutter was clicked.  

When to you enter into a scene that instills in you a connection of certainty that this is where you need to be, you begin to settle in to the environment and expand your senses to study and find that moment that can only be your revelation of times systematic forward march in your development of your inner vision.  If you arrived minutes later, seconds later, the scene, the landscape would have had a different personality, a different awareness of demand that you would be ignorant of. 

Photography is easy and quick and sometimes we have to respond in milliseconds to take the image.  But because it is so easy to snap pictures we assume that that is all there is to it. The external world is there for us to capture on film and memory cards but there is more to image creation than just taking something from nature and not interacting with the beauty present.  

That moment of exposure was only capturing a transition state. If you were taking a picture of a landscape you are not seeing the entirety of the possibilities. In that split second of time you clicked the shutter and created a stability in time, a frozen moment by taking the sense of continuance away from the infinite flowing time line. You filled an inner void in your space by clicking the shutter and demanding a cohesive, stable representation of the scene you were witnessing.   

Image creation is a means of dominance and control.  An ability to stop time’s flowing obsession. We feel empowered by the click of the shutter capturing a thing, stopping its momentum to out run our senses, our future, our lives.  

Portraits inspire the person to become the image presented. The power of the image created is its influence on the innocent subject being externalized on a screen or framed behind glass, a trapped animal.  

All life is in flux, change is the ceaseless momentum always forward.  We see time as movement only in that we feel and see the change taking place and in that change we know our limited future.  This instills in us the need to capture now, our lives and not wait to the ultimate demise of body and soul where our pride will not allow us to be seen or heard as we fade off into oblivion. 

An image gives us a stability of mind and a reference of our past, present and even our unknowing future. With the photograph before us we can sense an approaching force that can broaden our possibilities or limit our need to explore and digest the impending futility of life without a purpose. 

This understanding of our ever changing and illusive life unnerves the mind to be and do things that seem unusual but to our mind necessary in order to combat a life unloved with a life lived in our own particular way through memories of our factual existence through pictures, giving us a foundation of acceptance and stability until we are ultimately forgotten. 


Monday, September 3, 2018

September 3, 2018

People are beginning to have a hard time thinking for themselves.  We are being groomed to accept artificial intelligence as our companion in decision making but in reality it is a means of controlling your intellect into making decisions not for ourselves but by a strangers voice, controlling what you think and should feel. The voice gives you options but it is a controlled environment, a narrowing of your ability to make decisions for yourself.

We are overwhelmed by the complexity of life's constant pressure to make decisions that we must make minute to minute, second to second.  Our intellect is on overload trying to gather an infinite amount of visual and corrupt wording that it loses its foundation and validation as a controlling influence on your everyday choices. Your intellect is eroding, being replaced by an artificial intelligence that is not your own inner known personality but now known as an outside force of deceptive independence. We are retreating from individuality, the hall mark of an intelligent, independent being, to a trained circus animal allowing external voices to dictate to us our behavior.

Our parents dominated our conscious intellect for decades until we broke free from the controlling purpose of their love.  We must think for ourselves.  Photography is a perfect example of repetitious copycats of external nature.  We must develop an intuitive force of will to relax and accept the subject for who they are.  Both inanimate and animate creatures of nature.

Photography is your own vision.  Your own unique style and your personal representation of external, physical space. 

When you are in tune to your environment, studying the scene present before you, you are in a state of heighten awareness.  You and your subject are on the same playing field and your focus, your attentive intuition is beginning to see the composition, light, exposure and your closeness to the subject manifesting itself as a flower blooming.

Having a sense of calming interpretation of physical space opening up, accepting your universal telemetry of insightful anticipation. You begin to understand that demanding a subject presents itself is a delusion of selfish ego. Having this attitude will only confuse and alienate your subjects purpose and your own. Freedom to be present, (not over thinking the subject in front of you) is the bonding influence we all must attain if we are to be accepted by the present unfolding scene before us.

You can't demand a response from your subject through demanding arrogance.  In order to unify your perception through intuitive awareness you must allow for nature's nuances to shift also, to acknowledge your presence with an opening vision, a feeling of connectedness of two opposites coming together.  

Insights build a relationship with you and your subject by anticipating your subjects beauty by the shifting light and a natural composition that allows your subject not to be overbearing in the scene but to be forward as one steps from a uniformed line to a myriad of possibilities to accept your inherent vision beginning to form as you study the scene before you.

When we see a beautiful scene whether it be a portrait or a natural phenomenon we must allow the natural progression of our intuitive feelings to guide us to that moment of truth.  That moment when all the elements of composition and natural beauty come together to give one a sense of awe and great fullness that you were present in body and spirit to see the revelation but also the privilege to create an image, a personal expression of your inner landscape objectified in the presence of a shared accomplishment.

An image that is part of your inner psyche at the deepest levels of respect for the natural gift of purpose with the external world allowing it's beauty to be taken from the landscape, because of your willful focus on a unique detail that illuminated the interconnectedness of life's gifts.  

Open your senses to the overwhelming rush of lost time for the human race.  This incomprehensible ability of us humans to deny our unique vision and to react in life by retreating from awareness and not be proactive to our changing our future and others by opening up our heart to the miraculous being of nature. Most of us sabotage our success by filling our minds with do's and must do, in order to escape our own responsibility to become our true vision. Success will not happen by abandoning your intuitive nature. 

A willingness to breath deep and enjoy the sacred moments you alone are present in. You mustn't hurry past the gifts that are presented to a mind set on anger and frustration with his life as it is. You alone can change from a beast of burden to an accepting partner with nature, to reveal your inner beauty not as man vs nature, to see which can conquer the other first.  

Your first step is to be present in the atmosphere of perception allowing your subject and yourself those moments of complete fullness of insight, as you form an image internal to you alone but gifted to you by being present in nature's beauty as it is, in an insightful way and not through mans ego of aggression and dominance.

Sunday, August 12, 2018

August 12, 2018

What kind of life will you have if you distrust the reality you live in, created before you were born and has a long history of intellectual folly especially for the inherent many that must make a living for the oppressing gentry folk.

You are born with inherent characteristics that will either increase your chance for success or limit your ability to adapt to the structured living arrangements that have been in place since the first stick was used to kill its competition.

Of course your inherent personality must fight through the oppressive personalities of your parents that will force feed you the same slop they received when they were innocent beings with potential.

Most people trust the reality that surrounds them, they play the game of success even though most of the success is personal changes to adapt to the controlling force of a cemented structure of symbols that instill in us all a means to be herded into a pasture of conformity.

All this pretense of freedoms waving flag is nothing but hypocrisy. It is based on the incompetence of relationships. Or fears of relationships.  Technology makes it easier to limit your contact with a live person making it easier to subdue your natural instinct to be part of the group.  Now the group is nothing more than an illusion of community.  It is a false facade of pretending to be a friend of others when all you are really interested in is the ads you can sell on your popular website.  We have reverted back to being teenagers in high school looking to be the most popular person in your class. And receiving for your manipulative abilities you can decide for others what they should think, feel and hate.  What a world we live in.

Human nature doesn’t want to share. It wants to keep everything it sees for itself period.  Our laws are not their  to control the wild instincts of savages, (those savages don’t have to work, they own the structure that dictates to the masses their common roles they must play or be fined and imprisoned for their independent efforts) but to control the actions of every citizen in this glorious country of more greed, more pleasure more controlling laws that block any chance of the poor and working class moving up into a happier existence.

We now see on the social media sites the good trolls that roam freely under the guise of independent thinkers but in actuality are only hired messenger service lip sync repeaters with the puppet masters making their small tongues wag and wag with no intuitive depth beyond their Pinocchio noses. There behavior is shaming truth in order to maintain the semblance of order on a planet ready to explode.  

Don’t you feel the tidal wave approaching. The wind beginning to speed up the inevitable destruction of independent thoughts.  Intuitions that once claimed some kind of sanity by trying to limit the ruling class accumulating the precious resources that were never theirs to begin with but for all of us to respect and protect because our very lives depended on the natural evolution of man and nature working together and respecting the future generations ability to survive.

Are we at a stage in our visual development that we believe the trillions of images created depicting the beauty of this planet is the whole truth and nothing but the truth and therefore we shouldn't question the powers that be because see these beautiful videos and images are real and climate change is an exaggeration. 

I believe people are beginning to see visual artifacts as reality. 

August 12, 2018

Memory is a cohesive movement of our time line that allows us continuity of being and builds a path to future artistic exploration and intuitive vision. 

Conscious stability for future ventures and exploration of interests each builds a memory step toward a unification of desired results enhancing your chances for success in a physical world view. 

Missed directions take place at the conscious level. Stability in perceptions and in action lessens your chances to create unique personal images from your inner landscape.  When the intellect takes over your visual senses you are hindered with the cultural perceptions of normal.  In other words no one wants to stand out from the crowd.  By doing so you draw attention to yourself and for most people this is to much anxiety for even a moment of fame. 

But what is going on in today's faced paste addiction to being seen.  If we are afraid to stand out then why in today's technological mess do we feel it is OK.  Because you are not seen as you are but as you present yourself.  You are hiding behind an image facade that allows you to delude the attention being driven your way.

Image creation, not image snap shooting, but real image creation is an interior process, an interior battle to find the moment of understanding your subject and connecting on a deep personal level with the scene to create and image that expresses that moment of truth when the shutter is released. Did I create the visual synthesis that I intended?

It is easier to create images that have no personal relationship with your inner intuitive consciousness. They are physical facts that we shoot because they are there. We tend to go through life this way by the demands put upon us by our training growing up with societies rules of behavior.  It is easier to have everyone under the same control than to have individuality become the norm of human beings living in their own unique presence. The herd is alive and well and demands your performance of repetitive behavior. 

Everyone has the right and duty to themselves and to others to live a life that is aware, intuitive and caring for all of nature. After all we are only an intellect away from being put out to pasture. I think the new big bully in our home town will be Mother Nature. 

Image creation intent is to see under the tightly controlled facade of movers and shakers that control the external fabric of our lives but will never control the inner substance of our artistic persona. 

We use many tools to dig deeper into the facade of the wealthy and what we find is a shallow understanding of the intuitive beauty of nature.  All they seem to care about is their bottom line, not love for all and justice for all but capital whereby they can control of the masses.

Intuitive image creation tries to penetrate the facade of
accumulation by seeking a true connection with the external world by opening new avenues of exploration enhancing the perceptions of the people to see beyond their physical nature.

Thursday, July 26, 2018

July 26, 2018

Words can be inspiring, illusive, annoying, controlling, demeaning, happy, sad, but words mainly are deceptive. They are the pathway to symbols that can control and distort your perceptions of your reality. When someone tries to define for us a way of seeing it can lead to a narrowing of our gifted perceptions. And it can limit your vision forcing you to see through categories of your intellect. The intellect is your safety valve always pointing you in the direction of what is the standard reaction to external stimulus. Another words the intellect can be boring and repetitious.

Words want to control the conversation between you and your subject. To sell you a rhetorical confused goal of copycat motives, for it is better to be just like everyone else than to stand out from the crowd. Domineering words can confuse your purpose and not allow you to experiment with different cloaks of personality and artistic talent until you find your own individual fit.

We all must find our own vision to our unique inner and outer landscape.

Time is anxious and wants to be somewhere at every moment. You become a pawn of schedules and forget your most important goal you learn as a kid. You must invent yourself and see the world with new eyes and not the eyes of a person that did everything they were supposed to do and forgot to live their own life. 

The worship of time limits your ability to open inward to your internal abilities and then seek outward image creation that is unique to you alone, not a copycat motif that the multitude deems appropriate.

A motif that is built upon your individuality and your unique perspective that gives a viewer of your visual art an anticipation of revelation, of a new way of seeing the staleness of the existing external reality.

When you feel the force of aesthetic freedom you are liberated from the small minds of conformity always pecking at your weaknesses. You are released from the burden of a structured, repetitive and burdening existence.

In order to begin immersing yourself in your talents you must slow down the hyper drive of flashing moments you encounter each and every day that stifles your inner being and bends your consciousness toward acts of nauseous familiarity. You must focus your inner talents on your mural of insight and bring forth the visual elements of your intuitive creation.

Time must recede into the flow of calm waters if you are to explore your subject and connect with your external vision in a unified moment of seeing, a duration of time that can lead to revelation.

Understanding visual elements are only a starting point, your intuitive consciousness can and does see deeper into your presented subject. You need to open up your intuitive gifts and look for an inner connection to your visual preparation as you seek the truth in the elements of gifted purpose.

Sunday, July 15, 2018

July 13, 2108

In this age of extreme anxiety there is little progress in our human nature to regain the intuitive insights of seeing beyond labels that dictate our behavior and response. The structure of reality as it exists today is one of control. The control of our intellect to absorb the given information without looking deeper into the structured reality that imprisons our unique natures and our unique visions. 

We live in angry despair because we are not free individuals who can explore our own inner yearnings for originality but are force fed from the time we are born to the time we die, to follow the herd and not step out of the coordinated path that this structured reality has put in front of us. We are like worker ants distracted by the powerful need to be part of something other than ourselves.

Our communication skills are losing even more cohesion. Our thought processes are dimming being replaced by voices telling us what we want to hear and not our own voice digging under the metal restraints we live in, imprisoned with an ego that is bred to react instead of act. Our intellect observes this reality and it reacts with repetitive foresight on how we should respond to the external stimulus which is impeding our learned nature and thus we must act in accordance with the standard reply in circumstances like this.  If not then we are opening up ourselves for actions not deemed useful in keeping with the status qou. And that is the problem. That is in essence the herd mentality doing the same thing over and over again and not breaking free from the restraints we are shackled with throughout our lives.

What if we stopped today and tried new approaches to the everyday stimulus we encounter.  What if we looked deeper into the structured reality with our intuitive nature and created a new visual art form. Instead of living a reaction to stimulus we encounter the subject with a new perspective a new reaction to the details we failed to see because our mental vision was being narrowed by past experiences and our intellect believed that is how we wanted to react to the subject even though we have aged and seek more than the trite response to old artifacts.

Originality is the new navigational tool in our arsenal of deeper meanings.

Why see as other see? There vision is limited to the words taken as truth that corrupt our freedom to be ourselves. 

Our photographic eye takes a back seat to the mad haphazard rush of life we lead.  Each moment it seems we have something else we are dealing with and we don't spend the time seeing beyond the cliche, digging deeper into our intuitive consciousness to explore and create our unique vision. This is not a lack of character on your part. This is a deliberate forcing of our consciousness to look upon the world only at the surface level. The majority of humanity is so busy just trying to make a living they haven't the time to explore their unique perceptions of their own reality. Instead they are forced to live in a created reality of turmoil.

Life is lived when you grasp your own unique talent and use that innate talent to express your inner aesthetic.  What do you find worth creating?  It doesn't have to be image creation. Take a thought you have had in the back of your intuitive consciousness and explore this in depth not as an unruly rebellious concept but as your own unique vision of artistic expression.

Our intellect adapts to the life stimulus you are surrounded by and then becomes highly selective with choices it gives you in your mad hatter work days. In order to feel and be present with your subject you can't be distracted by the turmoil that surrounds your daily life. You need to step back and have time to explore your own personal visions, your own vision of visual art, your own sense of beauty.  

Don't take the easy way out of creating your artistic vision. Taking shortcuts doesn't allow you time to become your true artistic revelations.