Dandelions Close-up

Dandelions Close-up
Dandelions In Black And White

Sunday, September 16, 2018

September 15, 2018

Photographs can define us as a nation and as a person.  They can reflect our true nature or a nature we want but can’t quite attain.  If you are looking outside yourself for your identity then you are looking in all the wrong places.  Your interior identity is created through the exterior forces that happened as you grew up and solidified those exterior prodding’s as your true self which in turn created your path of expression or stunted expression.

Photographs take from the subject something unfathomable but yet necessary in order to understand your private interior exposed in a photograph that doesn’t mean anything of itself but a fleeting moment passing as time acclimates our moments as bumps on a vast highway of bumps and passing lanes.  One of our greatest means of wealth we share with each other is our daily deposits of communicating with each other. Your path toward the big finale can stunt your intuitive expressions veering you away from your original thoughts and purpose.

Images can create a facade, a barrier between the inner self and the outer barrier we wear.  And in time this outer barrier begins to dominate our lives and we think we are in our purpose but in fact we are now living an exterior life without an intuitive mindful goal to express and to break free from your limiting views of change.  Your present self is in a state of confusion because of how the life path chosen was not the one you needed.  And now the life you are in is as a stranger to you and you are in inner turmoil for change, but how and what to change into?

Photographs can create a temporary history of us as we move through life and experience the eerie repetitions of actions that some up our relationships with those exterior personalities that can stifle our need for change and ignore nature's presence for instigating change. 

An ultimate change of vision is necessary for your revelation of your unique inner perspective. Who will know or believe your words and actions unless you express them with knowledge of who you are and what this fast paced concoction of life distracts and seizes you with.

We are present in the photograph in some unnatural way.  A frozen moment that captures not our inner being but an outer facade that grins into the camera only to lose the expression of happiness once the shutter was clicked.  

When to you enter into a scene that instills in you a connection of certainty that this is where you need to be, you begin to settle in to the environment and expand your senses to study and find that moment that can only be your revelation of times systematic forward march in your development of your inner vision.  If you arrived minutes later, seconds later, the scene, the landscape would have had a different personality, a different awareness of demand that you would be ignorant of. 

Photography is easy and quick and sometimes we have to respond in milliseconds to take the image.  But because it is so easy to snap pictures we assume that that is all there is to it. The external world is there for us to capture on film and memory cards but there is more to image creation than just taking something from nature and not interacting with the beauty present.  

That moment of exposure was only capturing a transition state. If you were taking a picture of a landscape you are not seeing the entirety of the possibilities. In that split second of time you clicked the shutter and created a stability in time, a frozen moment by taking the sense of continuance away from the infinite flowing time line. You filled an inner void in your space by clicking the shutter and demanding a cohesive, stable representation of the scene you were witnessing.   

Image creation is a means of dominance and control.  An ability to stop time’s flowing obsession. We feel empowered by the click of the shutter capturing a thing, stopping its momentum to out run our senses, our future, our lives.  

Portraits inspire the person to become the image presented. The power of the image created is its influence on the innocent subject being externalized on a screen or framed behind glass, a trapped animal.  

All life is in flux, change is the ceaseless momentum always forward.  We see time as movement only in that we feel and see the change taking place and in that change we know our limited future.  This instills in us the need to capture now, our lives and not wait to the ultimate demise of body and soul where our pride will not allow us to be seen or heard as we fade off into oblivion. 

An image gives us a stability of mind and a reference of our past, present and even our unknowing future. With the photograph before us we can sense an approaching force that can broaden our possibilities or limit our need to explore and digest the impending futility of life without a purpose. 

This understanding of our ever changing and illusive life unnerves the mind to be and do things that seem unusual but to our mind necessary in order to combat a life unloved with a life lived in our own particular way through memories of our factual existence through pictures, giving us a foundation of acceptance and stability until we are ultimately forgotten. 


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