Dandelions Close-up

Dandelions Close-up
Dandelions In Black And White

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

May 15, 2017

Social Media is a trap, a time consumer of your life leaving you hollow looking for more little spikes of excitement. What does social media stand for? Ultimately it means objective nothingness.  A comma in your abandoned life.  I goal eater.  An obsession to be seen by strangers that have no meaning in your life exempt as a post on a computer that gives you a futile feeling of pleasure.  Social Media thrives on spectacle and entertainment.  There is little information that becomes legitimate when you blindly assume the written words/images on a screen are true.

You post others ideas as your own just to get likes from like minded strangers. Since when does likes equal original creative images and stories.  What you are basically doing is exposing yourself to a shallow depth a surface reflection of your own thoughts and moods manifested for all to see.  Where is the internal privacy we all need to percolate our creative intelligence to be original and not copy cat others dull sequences.

We all find our common denominator.  Social media doesn't inform, it calculates your inner needs and presents you with ads to match.  It homogenized your brain to think not for yourself but what others think. It repeats and repeats until the soft brain gets in line and follows the bouncing screen.

What is social media?  Social Media is a fraud of community.  It is taking community and their thoughts and broadcasting them to everyone.  What ever happened to privacy and close relationships of one on one communication.  Social media is transferring that closeness and putting it out for greedy eyes to see.  It is a scam to make billions of dollars on nonsense without real value. Your life and how you live it is the most important goal. Why would you want to keep your head down looking at a screen when the world is right in front of you in spectacular clothes.  Think for yourself don't be misled to feel you belong to social media.  All you are is a customer to send ads to.

What is the purpose of any company enterprise, of course to sell you something.  Their ads becoming more and more intrusive, more aggressive.  You give social media all the content that they need for free. Now Social Media has the ability to track each click you do on the web and sell that information to companies that will in turn send you more ads to buy, buy, buy.

What kind of life are we living when our lives have become commercialized.  Our lives are being taken from us and put on display and then we are sold products we don't need.

With everything for sale, we become products to sell.  We might as well be loaves of bread on a shelf.  And today there is a discount sale.

Once you lose your bearing it is hard to get back on track, life gives us many twists and turns but we must go with the flow knowing we are getting closer to our own goals.

How can the ordinary be ignored as we push ourselves to see, travel and be more than who we are, yet when all is said and done when we come home from the adrenalin rush we are still faced with the ultimate ending.  These social media distractions only prolong the final ending.  Why not find your source of creativity and explore it rather than distracting yourself with frivolous fears of death.

We return to our shallow frame without a core belief or an answer to what do I want to be.

Our minds have become numb to the personal life we were meant to live for a substitute life that is eroding your ability to become independent with your own ideas.  We see ads that change peoples lives but the only thing that can change your life is you.

With no need to take action or make something happen we sit on the couch or at your desk joining millions of other herded cattle to let your days get away from you with missed opportunities. All the while you are looking at a make believe reality of exposing oneself to the endless torrents of a rushing river that you travel on a daily basis.  Let go of your growing addiction to social media and create your world, generate your own will to become and not a spectator to someone else's dreams.

Reality now is blinded sight where everything we need is transmitted to our little device and we don't have to do anything with our own purpose but look and see the craziness of others.  Is this what you want?  How about creating your own purpose and use your time wisely not frivolously by starring at a screen for hours.  This screen is becoming your best friend and you are hypnotized to stare blankly at the desperation of wanting to be noticed at any cost.  Everything you need is circulated, throughout your narrow vision.  Instead of creating something yourself an expression of your inner landscape you choose through the power of social media to distort and to bring you nothing but sound bites and little trickles of sanity.

We are being trained to accept this new world of lower standards by the constant, infinite obstructions to yourself by habit forming voyeurism whereby you are not a live breathing human being but a mark, a fool having to hold your phone in your hand waiting for a sign that someone heard your plea to be noticed and like Pavlovas dog you wait and wait for that social media fix.

We are being trained like circus animals to react to each post that gives the social media company more information on your likes and dislikes so they can send you ads directed at your wants.  Our sensorimotor system organizes our lives by habit and we narrow our vision of who we are and become a commodity to be harnest by content,with a bombardment of ads.  But this new frontier brings the movie of the week and a false impression of activity, a removed reality to sequester your view from your living room and not a real experience.

Social media brings a world to you like a god with super powers.  Our silence seems to be not good enough for the powers that be.  Silence to think through your experiences, to begin to understand your predicament and to begin to solve this dilemma by exerting your strength to move outside that little device and experience the world first hand.

If you would change your effort, of the you spending hours looking into a little screen at others, and use that same will to immerse yourself in a subject that you have connected with by an honest relationship, a truth about yourself and your goals you can break the strangle hold social media has on you and its continued controlled alienation that is becoming the norm.

Now take that immersion in your subject that you have generated by making a connection of truth and now immerse yourself in humanity, instead of controlled alienation.

Sunday, May 28, 2017

May 28, 2017

Direct expression connected to a subject that has your interest but is not oppressed by your touchy feely control, will lead you to better created images and a better understanding of your subject.

Allowing the flow of perception to give you time to be spontaneous and at the same time connected with your subject on a deeper level is a gift and no one can ask for more when making images with purpose.

When you are being yourself there will be a natural flow of your truth without bias and favoritism toward a particular subject and you will not allow a preconception of what should be photographed or left alone be your inner guide.  You will be open to all possibilities, your guide will be your intuitive bonding with your developing sense of attraction that will lead to a natural reaction that gives your perspective on your subject a uniqueness all your own.

My present is what interests me.  It summons my being to be willing to participate amongst the stone structures made by other lives.

The present is always becoming the past.  And because of this we lose our footing in the now and begin to get nostalgic about out present without living it with intensity and a will to perceive deeper into the images that are their to make.

We are attracted to our own voice, feelings and experiences we have had and these become a life we live.  This knowledge excludes others. They are not part of our instinctive knowledge of our role in the universe.  This creates a separateness not a unification. This is not a bad thing if you respect others but seek your role in creating great imagery.

No matter how hard Social Media makes it sound like your are participating with others of like mind, your not.  Social media delivers us in the past.  Each post is past memory of someone or something.  It only exists because someone needed to feel welcome in their own skin and to remember the old days when life was acceptable.    

You must always be looking toward your future, your goals and your life.  This doesn't mean you lose touch with your past but use your past as a means to forge ahead with your creations and not be influenced by likes or dislikes.  What do you want to accomplish.

Social Media is a loud obnoxious noise, not calmness, but an extreme distraction away from self realization. Instead social media is an outward vacuum of wants, by separating ourselves from each other. We become obsessed with ego with glamour, fame and greed.

Social Media's selfish intent toward others, hoping to see a folly of cascading stupidity.  We become jealous of our own inability to break free from the controlling necessity to post on a handheld device our inner being.  Social media is not your friend but a barrier to becoming yourself.

Lessened information without knowledge, just words written without depth, we glide along surface details that have no real value to help you begin your life away from the constant chatter and visual dumming down of our perceptions and our thoughts.  We fail to think unless we react to a post we like or dislike.  Where is the originality of your personality.  Where are your special insights into image creation.  Believe me it has nothing to do with social media's copycat daily show.

The screen never is static, still, it is a constant bombardment of images colors and words that you are already tired of as you roam through endless apparitions of success and failure, decease, sacrifice, fears and mayhem.

You are witness to the tower being built under the babbling infinite dark space of our divided lives.

We are a speck in the eye of a performance, concentration reduced with quick views of banal propaganda and make believe importance.

Unless you are involved already with a willful purpose when you climb aboard the Social Media train of boring repetitions, you will view and mark like or dislike on posts as if you are giving the final say for everyone to agree or disagree.

And then you move on to the next post usually a photo that is easy to read and ignore or stimulates some kind of feeling good or bad in a past memory you never experienced first hand but wanted to.

Everything posted is interchangeable except your unwillingness to change views that could free you from being undermined by times constant duration.

Each thing you see, you like and absorb it into your fracturing mind.

Social media is an abstraction from living a life in your own skin, in your self with your own purpose and rightful deliverance from the controlling expectations we must break, the bonding you have with  social media is overwhelming your senses and deleting your ability to think for yourself.

Corporate media's message is to control the thought process, both political and social. The political we can protest but changing the social addiction we seem to have with social media's feeding our brains with nonsense, could be to late.

They have the control and have moved us further down the path of thoughtless beings, that assume pleasure only when viewing a hand held device.

Our years as independent minded human beings is eroding quickly as wave upon wave of useless information feeds our brains and erodes our own thought process to be independent.  We must fight against complacency and struggle to get out of the grip of social media.  We have our own thoughts and experiences and we must use that as a means to create work that is important to us.

You don't need someone else to like your work as long as you gave it your best shot and didn't copycat someone else's work but your own original feeling that led you to create an image worthy of your deeper self.

Thursday, May 25, 2017

May 25, 2017

For all the men and women who gave their lives to protect America we honor them on Memorial Day.